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FOUND MEH A NEW SIGNATURE TODAY! FUCKEN A ITS MIGHTY NICE UP HERE ON MY ORgANIC HIGH HORSE! word to your motha!Lol get off your organic high horse bruh Its clouding your brain
FOUND MEH A NEW SIGNATURE TODAY! FUCKEN A ITS MIGHTY NICE UP HERE ON MY ORgANIC HIGH HORSE! word to your motha!Lol get off your organic high horse bruh Its clouding your brain
What does "word to your motha" mean? By the way beautiful bud in your avitar!!!!! What strain is that?FOUND MEH A NEW SIGNATURE TODAY! FUCKEN A ITS MIGHTY NICE UP HERE ON MY ORgANIC HIGH HORSE! word to your motha!
they have been spreading liquid shit in vermonts fields for a coons age my brah, and guess what the biggest issue is today????? blue green algae in the lake from the run-off of phosphates, the state blames dairy farmers especially when they load the spreaders and hit the fields............here's the first popular methodI'm compelled to address the shit in this thread. Specifically, the discussion about manure. The way it's being described (for hyperbole / effect / shock) by some, you'd think raw manure was used on plants, and that the raw shit is somehow being completely absorbed by the plant to create some shit-tomato.
Unfortunately this is completely and fundamentally flawed thinking. So flawed it's obviously being presented for some ignorant shock value.
Any manure is too N hot for direct root contact. We all know this. Any manure is aged for a year or more, allowing microbes to sequester ions, making it safe for root contact. Again, we all know this.
It's certainly worth also noting that microbes (including fungi here) are fantastically capable of reducing complex molecules such as antibiotics to their bare elements given time.
It means ive been watching too many reruns of in living color! lol, the strain is xxx ogWhat does "word to your motha" mean? By the way beautiful bud in your avitar!!!!! What strain is that?
No problem, I'm here to help as you boys and girls have enough folks trying to rip you off. Some of my generation have woke up and see now that our future, depends on you kids understanding and applying good and truthful principles in life and business. Make it simple for you and anyone else. Get a five gallon bucket and a bubbler and hose. Put hose at the bottom and anchor the hose down with a rock or whatever you choose. Throw in a shovel or two of dirt " fox farm, happy frog, some of your buddies compost ect, " then add a variety of things with it. Banana peels, apple peels, wild dandelion, clover, dried leaves, pine cones/needles, leaves off of your plants etc. One cup of sugar, 1/4 cup unsulfured molasses. This is just a start. Stir every day and if it stinks in a few days just add another half cup of sugar. After at least seven days, then use it. Cut each gallon in half with unchlorinated water and tea and add one spoon of sugar to each gallon and then store till used. This will get you started and in time, you will learn more and come up with some of your own recipes and you'll learn to keep it balanced without smelling bad. Once you start using tea, give a little time still for the organics to break down in soil, but once you see the tea giving them what they need, it just keeps giving and anything you grow with it, will be better quality than anything you will buy in a store. Anyone who would tell you different, doesn't know, even if they swear they do. I've already put too many to the test and they always leave shaking their head with notes..one love, rev.thenatural
they have been spreading liquid shit in vermonts fields for a coons age my brah, and guess what the biggest issue is today????? blue green algae in the lake from the run-off of phosphates, the state blames dairy farmers especially when they load the spreaders and hit the fields............here's the first popular method
then there's these badboyshttps://youtu.be/XXG-ZcHXmaM
thats a tame shooter right there, ive gone by spreaders that were shooting like fire hoses! regardless of the application its taken its toll on the lake here.http://phys.org/news/2015-08-missisquoi-bay-worst-algae-bloom.html........................i do realize weather plays a huge part. I also realize that these boys have been doing this, there fathers before them and etc, i believe all of whom round these parts have spread manures as a mainstay of reinvigorating there soils. lmao i also have seen the storage bays for the manure thats been sitting for SEVERAL years. Good stuff they say!
Huh i'd love to see what you'd say to a native american farmer, whom learned from elders..........and nature......by the way is this true living organics rev by chance?I must tell you brother. True science and those educated in it...are needed and rare. In short and in a language we both can understand, " until those educated by the left brain of science, come together with humility with those who have been educated through the right brain of spirit/creator of all, very little will be accomplished for the future generation." False science and or wasted science that is handed down by the controllers is what the awakening ones despise. Their harvesting is almost at hand. Then, its just us...rev
Pahana looks forward to seeing the sons of Adam again, he will have their seeds. Is there one left? Even one son of Adam that holds pahanas truths and will know their brother when he goes to them? Yes my brother. Only true organics for the rev. All my teas are based on hemp. This makes revs Sativa's too powerful for most white man. Look brother, pahanas god has given him Adams gift. Pure Acapulco golds to be seededHuh i'd love to see what you'd say to a native american farmer, whom learned from elders..........and nature......by the way is this true living organics rev by chance?
hold on...............wait for it....................wait..............wait.............(fucken a am i stoned right now) http://vectogether.org/projects/vermont-biodigester/
see tystick great minds do really think alike!
Spoken like a true pseudo intellectualI must tell you brother. True science and those educated in it...are needed and rare. In short and in a language we both can understand, " until those educated by the left brain of science, come together with humility with those who have been educated through the right brain of spirit/creator of all, very little will be accomplished for the future generation." False science and or wasted science that is handed down by the controllers is what the awakening ones despise. Their harvesting is almost at hand. Then, its just us...rev
This is an issue I think deserves consideration and open discussion because we work hard for our money and we should stop giving an inordinate amount of it to these nutrient companies that are making MASS profits off of confusion in the cannabis growing community.
I've been doing this for about 3 years now and in the process of that time, I have learned to ask questions as to what the plant actually needs and how it functions. When I learned to understand what the plant needs (still a lot to learn) as far as macro and micro elements, I began to feel like the nutrient companies did a fantastic job of confusing me as to what I really needed. What does mass confusion create? Mass profit!
Every time you buy another bottle from another manufacturer and you don't understand what is actually in the bottle and how the plant is going to use it, then you don't even know if you're getting what you need because you never took the time to research how the plant works and what it really needs. Now fancy this; I finally heeded the advice of the seasoned growers on RIU as well as ICMAG (great community as well) and finally asked the question, WHY?
Why does advanced nutrients want to sell me 15 bottles, and GH, and fox farm, etc. to grow some smoke able flowers? Because they are trying to maximize profits and when you are confused and don't have your own information, you accept their information as truth, and then you subsequently have 15 bottles of crap you don't need that you spent too much money on, sitting in your closet. In reality, you probably only needed about 4 or 5 bottles at the most.
Let me share a secret with you that's not really a secret (just don't tell the nutrient companies):
The only things you need are the building blocks that plants require. So what do plants require?
The essential macro elements
The essential micro elements
Healthy roots
Healthy leaves
If you have all 4 of those things, you will produce healthy beautiful flowers. The plants don't care if you spent $400 on your nutrient line, they care about the 4 things listed above which does NOT require 15 different bottles with pretty pictures and silly names like bud blood and so forth.
Simplify your life and use a simple base nutrient that has all of the macro elements, micro elements, and keep your roots and leaves happy. That's it!
Now you will eventually accumulate some bottles as individual situations arise as I have done, but any seasoned grower that understands the plant also understands what the plant needs and it's not expensive nor is it very complicated. It just takes time, initiative, and lots of gumption to sort out for yourself what the nutrient companies don't want you to figure out.
My current line up is general hydroponics flora Grow, Micro, and bloom which contains all of the essential micro and macro elements in the proper proportions for each stage of growth: vegetative and flowering.
I supplement the base elements with floralicous plus from general hydroponics for the sea kelp content and beneficial microbes that help with root zone problems. Every now and then if you have a micro heard going (i.e. beneficial microbes / mycohorrizae) that you need to feed as I do, then once every couple of weeks you will need to feed the micro heard some carbohydrates (i.e. sugars / molasses). GH (and the others) sell it as a carbo load which is only to feed the micro heard which then benefits the roots which then benefits the leaves which then benefits the flowers.
There are of course many factors that a grower will still need to zero in on and adjust to dial your entire environment in other than just nutrients, but a thorough understanding of just what the plant needs will give you a solid foundation for your journey into the mastering of the cannabis plant. Now once you master the plant, you can then train the next Jedi or start a nutrient company and obfuscate the ingredients of you mystery cocktail and sell if for $50/pint. Once you have the knowledge, you hold the power and you can then educate others and help free others from the shackles of misinformation and greed. I'll leave you with the famous last words of Mr. Robert Van Winkle (A.K.A. Vanilla ice):
BTW, I did post this to 2 separate threads to spread the discussion to both advanced and new growers so this information will assist both new and seasoned growers alike (hopefully). My apologies for being redundant if you saw this in the other sub forum.