nutrient def. in pre nuted soil??


Active Member
I am using MG 18-10-10 moisture control for veg,my leaves are drooping,curling on some and blotches that are kind of dif. color green and almost see a grease's starting to spread.I'm wondering if this soil will carry the proper amounts of manganese,copper,calcium etc. as it seems to be a mixture of different nute def. going on?It just says N-P-K on the bag,no other ingredients tho.Also,could this be drainage issues,root rot,fungus?...think I'm good for bugs so don't know whats up.sorry no pics...


Active Member
I know plants need certain levels of copper,iron,zinc...all the minerals,but does this pre nuted soil with labeled, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous, have those minerals if it is not mentioned on the bag??should I apply a fertilizer with those minerals on top of the soil when the fert is 24-8-16 or will it burn the plants??I am trying to rule out that it is a deficiency problem and perhaps something else.should my plants be ok with the pre nute soil?????


It is often mistaken as a deficiency when people see those signs. However, many people that have used (or used to in the past) miracle grow have had mediocre results due to the high amount of fertilizer already in the soil. I used the same soil on my first grow with "okay" results, but suffered nute burn during flowering. My advise, flush flush flush to get those nutes diluted or out. If you are using smaller pots, just transplant into a more neutral soil getting as much MG out as you can. MG actually converted me to an organic grower bc the amount of forgiveness is much higher when you don't give the plants too much, if that makes sense. MG can reduce yields bc certain nutes can become locked out if others are too concentrated. Hope this helps!


Active Member
Yes it does sketch!!Problem is is that I have them in the large pots already...I ended up giving them less than half of the recommended dose of fertilizer on top of the nuted soil and they picked back up.After going through the plant problem guide I found on here it seemed to me I was having an all around deficiency...think I just needed more micro nutrients.The spotting has stopped,the sagging has stopped and they have resumed growing....I honestly think I have put to much stress on these ladies and I may end up with 9 hermies,but my chin is up!!!Thanx man!


Well-Known Member
I like MG myself, I've grown with nothing but MG MC and have had great results! The trick, as sketchbomb would agree with is, getting the nutes already in the soil, out but where I disagree is, to where. Don't flush out the good stuff, use it! Miracle grow has a reputation both bad and good for using chemical ferts in organic materials, good idea for roses and azealeas but not so much cannabis. Cannabis ravages soil and the roots deprive even the best of soils, quickly! Fortunately, this soil will stay a steady 7 on the Ph because it's basically all peat moss! Blast it with potassium nitrate, 7.1 ph. Flush with filtered water, 6.9 ph. Nothing will change that, except microbes. MG gives you excellent soil structure, moisture retention and a balanced ph, dont worry about the non-existsnt N-P-K values on the bag. Keep the soils natural processors happy and i guarantee you will have a happy plant. Add banana peels to the soil before planting, mix in some strawberry flesh, mango peel, egg shell. Mix a gallon of rain water from a lightning storm with a cup of beer, a drop of ammonia and a dab of ivory soap. These things will keep the "good" bacteria in your soil and keeping all of your micro nutrients from "locking up" and eliminating nute burn. I'm not telling you to use these techniques that I have used for years, many from my family whom had been in the tomato, corn and bean industries for generations but to give MG an honest chance and to understand soil "mechanics" before you run to Fox Farms or one of those fancy smancy organics companies and get burnt in the puns intended!


Well-Known Member
I agree with calicko.I use scotts premium garden soil (MC supposedly makes it)with a N/P/K value of 8/5/5.I start with 2/3 soil and 1/3 of perlite when i started my seeds and let them grow till it looked like the seedlings slowed down.I then added my nutes less than 1/4 what the bottles said and gradually went up from there.Im currently at 850 ppm's 1 1/2 months into a good veging period ( they are going to be my mothers)
You have to start off super low with the nutes and watch the plants, if they like it bump up the nutes.About every 3rd watering i give a mini flush about 1/2 gallon of water poured through the soil (only 1/2 gallon pots).