Nutrient deficiency in early flowering?


Well-Known Member
400 and 600 HPS
Autoflower White Dwarf and Syrup by Buddha seeds in 3 gallon pots with coco
Flora series and floralicious bloom
24/0 just switched to 20/4
ph has been steady at 5.7

I'll start off by saying this is my first time growing auto flowers and so far I'm pretty happy with the way there looking. After a few weeks of veging they stopped growing up and fattened up which, would make them great for SOG. The grows gone smoothly so far but, I dont think switched from "transition to bloom" to "blooming and ripening" quick enough. I think there a bit farther into flowering are are showing some deficiency? I watered tonight with 3/4 strength "blooming and ripepening" in hopes of fixing this.

what do you all think?

thanks for the help!



Well-Known Member
Looks like classic magnesium deficiency. Affecting new growth (so has to be micros rather than NP or K) and showing chlorosis between veins. Could also be sulphur or possibly iron though, or a combination. Try feeding them with kelp, or something similar (low in NPK, but has a good range of micro nutrients).

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Magnesium is a mobile element and deficiencies show in OLDER growth first, not new growth.
I see a zinc deficiency-chlorosis in new growth. Your pH is probably too high. I see some dark green almost purple colored leaves which also indicates a Phosphorous deficiency.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking it was sulfur or mag just because the flora bloom is the one with the majority of those compounds in the series. Since their farther into flowering then I realized and that I was late at transitioning to "blooming and ripening" I figured they were in need of those two. I'v been watering with 3/4 strength flora series as well as 3/4 strength floralicious bloom which is derived from kelp so, there should be available micro's...?Alexander supertramp, You say my pH is too high, I always get confused about this... Do you recommend lowering the pH from 5.7 to 5.5? or by lowering do you mean from 5.7 to 5.9?Thanks for the in put!What would you guys do in my situation?