Nutrient fallout


Active Member
I’ve just not long flipped to flower and this means now adding my bloom enhancer.. but doing so is causing my solution to turn cloudy.. I’ve tested in glasses before adding to my res in different orders and it seems to be reactions with the A&B parts.. that’s when it goes cloudy.. they are all compatible (CX range) any ideas on how to stop this?



Well-Known Member
What all products are you adding to the water?

What you're experiencing is typical of adding nutes/supplements out of order. For example, always start with silica if that's used, calmag is after silica, then your "bases" then your "boosters"

Check the order of your products.


Active Member
What all products are you adding to the water?

What you're experiencing is typical of adding nutes/supplements out of order. For example, always start with silica if that's used, calmag is after silica, then your "bases" then your "boosters"

Check the order of your products.
I’m only using A&B first then genaroot then mighty growth then a headmasta and finally try add the mighty bloom and it just won’t take. It’s stumped me, because I know about order I’d nutrients and you’d think that adding additives bar silica and cal-mag you should be sweet. It reacts straight away with the A&B if I add it after or others in front? I always thought you ph after everything is in so I shouldn’t have to ph it off to 5.9 like I sit it at before adding the bloom? Would this make a difference? The grow shop I brought it from said something about it being a ph issue. I mean, would would in be happy to go in at ‍♂


Active Member
What all products are you adding to the water?

What you're experiencing is typical of adding nutes/supplements out of order. For example, always start with silica if that's used, calmag is after silica, then your "bases" then your "boosters"

Check the order of your products.
These are what I have

