Nutrient Feed Questions


Active Member
Hi All,

I am currently in the beginning of my first grow indoors using white widow seeds in fox farm ocean forest soil. I am in the third week of my grow and I want to begin using the fox farm nutrients (grow big/big bloom/tiger bloom). Should I start now in my third week or wait longer? Does it depend on size of the plants? Does it matter what stage of plant growth I am in as to what nutrients I am supposed to feed? for example the feeding schedule says to start using tiger bloom in week 5. Would I do this even if I am still in the vegging period of my plants growth? I just want tro basically know if I should follow the feeding schedule to the tee or should I be using particular nutrients based on where my plants are in their growth?


yea depending on he strain you can go above they recommended label at times, like the beginning of flower.
there are so many variables like humidity and temp even the medium used that play a part in a plants need for nutes/H2O basically most people over nute especially when other factors get changed. using a TDS tester has been helpful in this matter.

there is many guides...
but first 2weeks of growth usually get 1/2 strength nutrients
you can spray 1/2 strength on your clones every other day till they get good roots then can go full strength

there are many guides...
plants use different nutes during different times of growth
but having them all the time is ok just leads up to more unused nutes/salts in your soup


Well-Known Member
If growing in soil, pot up in incremental larger pot sizes, this way the plant get's all the nute's it needs in stages & more importantly you develop a better rootball which will lead to a beter crop in both quality & yield. When in final pot's & you see roots at the drainage holes you can put in to flower & start feeding nutes. I find this way more forgiving especially in the plants younger life, where frapping around with nutes can cause you a serious setback.