Nutrient Help Please


New Member
I'm planning out my aeroponic grow and am kinda stuck on nutrients. Should i use a nutrient regime for hydroponics or is there a different feeding schedule. also how are the nutrients administered? directly into the res or mix with water when i have to add water to res. any advice is more then what ive found please and thank you


Well-Known Member
If your planning on using something like general hydro flora series. In aero you will want to go by the mixing ratio thats right on the bottle but never full stregth. when your plants are young keep ppm very low in aero they can burn quick fastest nutrient uptake. When young in veg keep ppm around 300 or 400 and never over 500. Then veg them to your liking and keep on veg nutes through first week of flower. Remind you to get a loww ppm you will never use full stregth. Start off with 1/4 stregth of what the bottle reccomends if your ppms go above 500 dilute it down to 300 400. Adjust ph as neccesary 5.7 to 6.1 is where i like mine. After first week of flower go with half stregth bloom feed. Then your next nute change after your first bloom feed on the bottle the plants can handle higher ppms at this point you can play a little with nutrient strength but you have to keep an eye on the plants read them. Anything over 1000 ppm in aero is a hot load. Playing with fire some strains can handle lots of food some will burn to a crisp. And your plants will drink water and food you have to watch ph and ppm to see if there drinking the water or eating the food. Allways replenish with water between nutrient changeouts.


New Member
i have a 35 site aero chamber and a 15 site aero chamber one is for clones i want 15 plants in flower at all times was plamnning on haveing 15 clones in the 35 site and 15 bigger guys. do i have to have two different chambrers before flower. or do i have to change out the water in the clone/veg chamber
i dont have enough bank flow to start a third aero box im using a 4x4x7 grow tent and im gonna have to build a little something for the clone box bc it will be too heavy to put on high shelf above my flower section. im really ocd with my planning and trying to get the mosst advice not many people do aeroponiccs let alone post guides or journals. how oftwn should i change out my water


Well-Known Member
i have a 35 site aero chamber and a 15 site aero chamber one is for clones i want 15 plants in flower at all times was plamnning on haveing 15 clones in the 35 site and 15 bigger guys. do i have to have two different chambrers before flower. or do i have to change out the water in the clone/veg chamber
i dont have enough bank flow to start a third aero box im using a 4x4x7 grow tent and im gonna have to build a little something for the clone box bc it will be too heavy to put on high shelf above my flower section. im really ocd with my planning and trying to get the mosst advice not many people do aeroponiccs let alone post guides or journals. how oftwn should i change out my water
I would change out your water every 10 to 12 days. The rest im sure you will figure out if your ocd like me about it. You will think about it till you have it all figured out.


New Member
ive planned this grow 20 different ways i was originally planning on using soil but came across aero and instantly knew thats what i wanted to do. my brother is a genius with genetics and soil but hes being a douche and wont help me out. im worried ill either fry my clones or my plants in veg if i have them in the same aero tank in the veg room. ive basically gotten the point that i should use half dose nutes or less and that technaflora is a good brand. this is my first grow in general so im new to nutes all together and i know in aero its more important to havea grasp on em bc its going directly onto the roots. this is my plan for the tanks the last plan on the bottom is the pump system ill be making identical ones for the veg and flower tanks maybe add a few more nozzels to the clone tank. Does this look ok im all for suggestsions and advice thanks alot man youve helped me more in two messages then the other 4 forums i posted in ill be using 2 air stones in each tank and a 840gph pump in each tank ill have 8 24" t-8 bulbs in a 4 bulb ballast for the veg room and a 600w hps witha cool tube for the flower room hoping i wont need exhaust but ill have them just in case. ill be hookinh up a carbon filter when i set the first batch of plants in flower. aeroponics plans.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks ok to me just make sure your starting your clones at a low ppm and slowly raise up ppm as they grow. They will tell you if there getting too much food. Keep on eye out for burnt leaf tips if you see that sterting to happen drop your ppm down a hundred or 2 by diluting with water. P.s maybe your brother wont show you anything cause hes scared you have a bigger green thumb than him ohh !


New Member
he's the one who got me started on bho and ive completely gone beyond anything he's ever done with it so yeha that could be it. will my veg plants be okay with the clones in the 35 tote