Nutrient help


Active Member
So there are a couple of 2 month or so old plants that just got transplanted into bigger pots with foxfarms happy frog. now the question is should the plants be recieving their usual feeding of full strength or should it be stopped for a week or 2? apparently the happy frog has 3 weeks of nutrients in it already thats why this is a little confusing.


Well-Known Member
organic or chemical nutes in the soil? if it is organic I would feed at max 1/2 strength for couple of weeks. If it is chemical, I would not feed at all. And make sure u r phing your water properly. Also some fine dolomite lime added to the top layer of ur soil will help quite a bit


Active Member
well on the package it says "natural and organic" and alot of people have said to just water them for the next week or so. but most of the girls need to go into flowering in the next week or so but it is uncertain as to the nutrient thing when moving them from veg to flower. should they just not get any nutes for the next 2 weeks or so then when they are in flower hit them with full strenght of bloom nutes? or what



Well-Known Member
natural and organic equates to slower breakdown and availability of nutes. at 2 months old, they got to have some decent size to them and most likely will be requring a quicker higher nute load, especially the first 3 weeks of flowering. but you dont want to over do it. I would feed with 1/4-1/2 strength veg nutes now and switch over to bloom in 2 week

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i've used ffof which has nutes (guano etc.) in it. i just used my regular nutes at a reduced rate. maybe 1.5-2 tsp. per gallon.