"Nutrient Lockout" Question ? ? ? ?


Well-Known Member
Hi There,

What are the common causes of this ? And how common is it ?
Is there an easy fix ??
Have you ever had this problem ?

Cheers, :-?


Well-Known Member
Hi There,

What are the common causes of this ? Time released nutes in your soil, over feeding. And how common is it ? Very Common
Is there an easy fix ?? Flush, flush, flush
Have you ever had this problem ? Yes but not for a long long time now

Cheers, :-?
hedgehunter...answers in blue.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Is there an easy way to see the difference between lockout, and under feeding ? the syptoms look similar ?? i think i may have it, but seems strange as my ec is very low ?


Active Member
pH is the most important factor in nutrient availability. If the pH is wrong, it will throw everything else off.

pH for soil - 6.5 to 7
pH for hydro - 5.5 to 6.5