nutrient problem in coco

tapwater but I have been letting it sit for a few days b4 hand

That's likely at least part of your issue then. Stop supplementing cal/mag. Canna's coco line is formulated for tapwater and does not need additional cal/mag unless you just happen to have a deficiency in that area for your particular water source.
I dont feel like im overwatering im getting the 10 percent runoff u speak of but I mean forst time in coco so im open to suggestions I want tp learn ive seen what coco can do
If you click the link in my sig -- all of those plants are grown with nothing but tapwater and 15ml/gal of Canna Coco A + B. The line is extremely effective for sure, you just don't need to doctor it up much -- use it as it's intended, as an all-in-one mix, and enjoy the simplicity of it and the quality of the results.
I dont feel like im overwatering im getting the 10 percent runoff u speak of but I mean forst time in coco so im open to suggestions I want tp learn ive seen what coco can do

How old is that plant and how many times have you watered it?

For a frame of reference, when I plant a seed in coco I use a small container (4" pot or a solo cup) and squeeze nearly all of the moisture out of the coco after hitting it with my preferred solution until up to 100%+ runoff -- and still do not give the plants more liquid until up to a week after the initial planting. Like I said, once you get the root system going it's really hard to overwater, but until then -- it's just like poorly aerated soil in regards to the need for a very distinct wet/dry cycle.
its 2.5 weeks old ive been watering it since first true leaves apeared and I water with fert every other day
I would make a new mix with a gallon of tapwater (leave it out or don't, doesn't really matter much in my experience) and 15 ml each of A and B. Make sure you add the A first and mix it well before adding the B to the solution -- not sure if you're aware but that is part of the process Canna claims is necessary to ensure that the solution mixes correctly.
its 2.5 weeks old ive been watering it since first true leaves apeared and I water with fert every other day

Wait, so you're watering 50% of the time with plain water? THAT is probably your main issue, you should never put plain water through coco as it will upset the cation exchange capacity of the medium. Smarter people than I can explain a bit further, here's a link about it if you're interested:

Even if you only do a 1/3 or 1/2 strength solution (I start seeds in a 1/3 strength solution of A+B sometimes since it's easy math -- 5ml is 1/3 of 15ml which is the full recommended dose) always make sure that you have some sort of coco-specific nutrients in the mix.
yes im aware of how to mix it ive also been using rhizotonic is this required at this stage

Not required but I use it for older seedlings and vegging plants, not usually brand new seedlings. It probably isn't going to hurt, but again, I recommend you keep the mix very simple with only A+B until you get the plants back on track. The more stuff you have in your nutrient solution the harder it will be to determine what (if anything) is causing the issue.
By the way, I'm no coco guru by any stretch of the imagination -- I've only been using it a few years for a few runs, but everything I'm telling you is from firsthand, recent experience. I could show you some photos of the plants in my sig when they were seedlings before I really got seed starting in coco down and you would not believe that they are the same plants.

Point being, I'm sure there are others with more to add or different opinions, but I've tried my best to keep the info here accurate and pretty universally agreed upon.
ok and taking into factor that the container is 37.5 liters using the method u gave me should I still want to see 10 percent runoff
u see I was told not to use perlite woth cannacoco I asked but considering I thot I should listen to the guy at the hydro store I am suplementing calmag and my ec is at 1.2
Yeah, I would listen to the hydro store dude. He probably knows how his products work w/ more people's grows. I grow w/ coco and perlite. It works for me, your mileage may vary. The thing I would change is your ec level seems a little high for a plant so young. I would drop that ec down to 0.9. and feed when your container is light.