Nutrient Problems? Bugs? Help!

So this grow I am doing has had everything that could go wrong go wrong. But, I still have about 40 plants alive. These plants aren't looking too hot. I'm not really sure what the problem is. Ph is at 5.8. PPM is 975. temp is 68 night, 78 day. water temp is a little high at 72, but I now have them in a system with a chiller. They were really crowded until yesterday. could that be what caused this? I have them flushing in 5.8 RO water at 65F right now. I use GH nutes. They were in a DWC system and now they are in a flooded recirculating tube with sprayers.


In another room I have a come Big Bang going. It looks like maybe I got some bugs. I can't see anything with my eyeballs. I have never had this problem. Is that what some bug looks like, damage wise?


I would like to yield as much as possible from this. I should wait until the girls look good to flower them right?

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
i have the same random holes going on with my grow. Im doing a diy waterfarm drip ring system. I have found that running my ph around or as close as I can to 6.2 has been better for the plants. As for the holes I see no bugs and my bug strips have got nothing either. Very very odd......but there are far and in between so Im not going to stress over it
i think i am going to treat for bugs just to be safe. I went to a full strength nute solution in my new system, I guess I'll just wait and hope that it fixes the problem. I would still like to know why it happened. I'm also having this weird problem where my new room is colder than my house and I'm using the central AC. cool tubes are remarkable. a good problem to have I guess.


Active Member
dont think its there a silvery residue in forms of little spots on the top of your leafs....also looks maybe like over feed and hot temps your leafs are transpiring to try and keep some pics the leafs look twisted maybe from a flux in ph
they have never been in a high heat environment. It's 76 in the room. I feed the on the weak side. they were getting about 950ppm. I bumped it up to 1300ppm. nothing seems to be happening. I need to figure this out. maybe I hshould back off the nutes.