Nutrient Question


New Member
Hello everyone, I just got started on my first grow outside. I'm growing auto flower plants, I got Cheese, Jock Horror and Northern Lights. I have a question about when to feed my plants. They are 2 weeks old and I'm using the 3 fox farm products The Big Bloom,Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. I was wondering when should I start feeding my plant?


Well-Known Member
auto require less nutrients then photo plants most of the time . so as soon as they are 6 inches tall go half strength every 4 days or every other watering . and don't use the flowering nutrients until the buds are 1/2 inch thick then use the flower nutrients . then you start to lay off the veg nutrients you should read the directions or go to the web site down load the feeding tables it will be very helpful for you . do not wait until they yellow because that is stupid . keep the plant health the entire grow so the plant can pull max yield . down load the FEEDING TABLE OR NUTRIENT SCHUDLE


Well-Known Member
auto require less nutrients then photo plants most of the time . so as soon as they are 6 inches tall go half strength every 4 days or every other watering . and don't use the flowering nutrients until the buds are 1/2 inch thick then use the flower nutrients . then you start to lay off the veg nutrients you should read the directions or go to the web site down load the feeding tables it will be very helpful for you . do not wait until they yellow because that is stupid . keep the plant health the entire grow so the plant can pull max yield . down load the FEEDING TABLE OR NUTRIENT SCHUDLE
They have schedule for autos? never saw one before...
We need a sticky outdoor auto tut!


Well-Known Member
i would just look the feeding table and follow it . but cut the nutrients into half . and keep an close eye on them. odds are they will look nice and health . if you see any sigh of the planting asking for more . then boost the strength up. from my experience and from what I have learns and talk to friends they feed the auto half strength and go from there


New Member
auto require less nutrients then photo plants most of the time . so as soon as they are 6 inches tall go half strength every 4 days or every other watering . and don't use the flowering nutrients until the buds are 1/2 inch thick then use the flower nutrients . then you start to lay off the veg nutrients you should read the directions or go to the web site down load the feeding tables it will be very helpful for you . do not wait until they yellow because that is stupid . keep the plant health the entire grow so the plant can pull max yield . down load the FEEDING TABLE OR NUTRIENT SCHUDLE
Ok thanks for the advice. When I got the fox farm nutrients it came with a feeding schedule. It doesn't mention anything about auto flowers it says you should start on the first week but I'm not sure if that is the same for cannabis. It says that says it starts off with 6 tsp of Big Bloom with a gallon of water. Then just follow the rest of the feeding schedule by giving it half of what it says. So then if we doing half of that with autos should I only start off with 3 tsp with a half gallon of water? Also since my plants are 2 weeks old should I start feeding next week?


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the advice. When I got the fox farm nutrients it came with a feeding schedule. It doesn't mention anything about auto flowers it says you should start on the first week but I'm not sure if that is the same for cannabis. It says that says it starts off with 6 tsp of Big Bloom with a gallon of water. Then just follow the rest of the feeding schedule by giving it half of what it says. So then if we doing half of that with autos should I only start off with 3 tsp with a half gallon of water? Also since my plants are 2 weeks old should I start feeding next week?
What kind of soil are you rocking? if it's good stuff your have like 4 weeks of nutes in it...I start feeding the 4 week,...
that said.... IIRC big bloom is just liquid ewc...and you could feed @ 3 weeks...also the fox farm line is really expensive for an outdoor will be buying tons of big bloom....


Well-Known Member
correct if it says 6 then go to 3 . or double the water . also if your doing monster plants out side . I will tell you what I use . pm me . again if you are using more then 10 gallons of water a day. it does get very costly .

polo the don

Well-Known Member
I start feeding a light nutrient (1/4 of the recommended dose) when the round leaves start to yellow.
That is exactly what I do.

The cotys are there to feed the lil seedling. When they start to yellow it means to me that they are "empty" of food so I give it to the plant. Like Fresno said start at 1/4 then work your way up.


New Member
What kind of soil are you rocking? if it's good stuff your have like 4 weeks of nutes in it...I start feeding the 4 week,...
that said.... IIRC big bloom is just liquid ewc...and you could feed @ 3 weeks...also the fox farm line is really expensive for an outdoor will be buying tons of big bloom....
I'm using fox farm soil as well. I originally wasn't planning on growing outside, I just have a lot of seeds and I'm also going to be setting a up a indoor grow as well


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the advice. When I got the fox farm nutrients it came with a feeding schedule. It doesn't mention anything about auto flowers it says you should start on the first week but I'm not sure if that is the same for cannabis. It says that says it starts off with 6 tsp of Big Bloom with a gallon of water. Then just follow the rest of the feeding schedule by giving it half of what it says. So then if we doing half of that with autos should I only start off with 3 tsp with a half gallon of water? Also since my plants are 2 weeks old should I start feeding next week?
The 6 tsp is for a heavy feeding, 4 tsp is for a normal feeding. I would cut the normal feeding in 1/2 first. If you cut the 6 tsp in half you real are feeding close to a full dose at regular strength. These numbers come of my bottle that I use.


New Member
correct if it says 6 then go to 3 . or double the water . also if your doing monster plants out side . I will tell you what I use . pm me . again if you are using more then 10 gallons of water a day. it does get very costly .
Thanks for the advice. It's only been 2 weeks and they are getting bigger everyday, I'd say within the next 2 weeks they will be over 6 inches and I will start feeding them then.


New Member
Hello again I'm about to feed my plants just have some questions

I already have the feeding schedule it came with the Fox Farm nutrients the chart starts off when the plant is just a seedling where you just give it Big Bloom and it says for week 3 you give Big Bloom and Grow Big. Should I follow the schedule at week 1 since this is my first feeding or should I start the schedule at week 3 since that's how old my plants are? I got the measurement done pretty good I was just confused with how often I feed and still confused with what nutrients to give. There auto flowers so I know not to give them as much as the schedule says The feeding schedule does say start out with Big Bloom but I have heard some people say start off with Grow Big. What should I use for the first feeding or should I use both?