Nutrient Recipes? Who's got em?

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
It is gonna take INSANE amounts of time to deal with each tiny micronutrient and so on. Don't be cheap!
It takes very little time to mix up your concentrated solutions and then it is a case of diluting as needed (just like store bought nutes).

I make my own nutes for general purpose hydroponic veggie growing but prefer a nice organic soil mixfor my ladies.

I end up paying $2.75 for enough concentrated nutes to make 400 litres of full strength diluted nutes.

Solution A
Epsom's Salts 100g
Borax 1.2g
Manganese Sulphate 0.4g
Zinc Sulphate 0.12g
Copper Sulphate 0.04g
Ammonium Molybdate 0.04g
Table Salt 0.04g
Iron Chelate 5g
Mono Ammonium Phosphate 80g
Potassium Nitrate 240g
Water to 2 litres

Solution B

Calcium Nitrate 400g
Water to 2 litres

Usage rate is 5ml of each solution to 1 litre of water.

If I was using the solutions for growing cannabis I would obviously make a different batch for the flowering stage, but I don't so this mix is fine for my bok choy and lettuce :-)


Well-Known Member
Hydro nutes are cheap and effective. There are plenty of choices, organic, etc... Would you rather be dosing nutes in exact amounts all day or researching new growing techniques? It is gonna take INSANE amounts of time to deal with each tiny micronutrient and so on. Don't be cheap! There are plenty of affordable hydro nutrients that work wonders.
If you first do what you need to do, then get high things don't take as long and you don't forget important shit. Not to be a smart mouth but look how easy it is to mix your own micros making you 100% wrong.

Download Hydrobuddy
1. Press Calculate
2. Go to the mix details
3. Follow the instuctions the program tells you to mix the micros
4. Add 10ml of one bottle and 100ml of the other bottle (Or the instructions Hydrobuddy says)

Green Revolution

Active Member
If you first do what you need to do, then get high things don't take as long and you don't forget important shit. Not to be a smart mouth but look how easy it is to mix your own micros making you 100% wrong.

Download Hydrobuddy
1. Press Calculate
2. Go to the mix details
3. Follow the instuctions the program tells you to mix the micros
4. Add 10ml of one bottle and 100ml of the other bottle (Or the instructions Hydrobuddy says)
Sadly, I currently only own a couple mac's so Hydrobuddy isn't available to me. For the sake of discussion, I will concede that mixing micro's could take a reasonable amount of time, nonetheless, (as far as hydro is concerned) I would rather just open a bottle or two, and VIOLA, done. I don't want a cabinet full of 30 different things to mix in my res. We all have our own styles but I like spending time mixing soil when it comes to making any sort of custom nutrient blend. Mix all your goodies once per harvest, not every week or two to changeout the res. That's man hours. I'd rather devote that extra time to more plants or other endeavors.bongsmilie To those who have it figured out, I salute you:clap:, I just wouldn't waste my effort if given the choice.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Sadly, I currently only own a couple mac's so Hydrobuddy isn't available to me. For the sake of discussion, I will concede that mixing micro's could take a reasonable amount of time, nonetheless, (as far as hydro is concerned) I would rather just open a bottle or two, and VIOLA, done. I don't want a cabinet full of 30 different things to mix in my res. We all have our own styles but I like spending time mixing soil when it comes to making any sort of custom nutrient blend. Mix all your goodies once per harvest, not every week or two to changeout the res. That's man hours. I'd rather devote that extra time to more plants or other endeavors.bongsmilie To those who have it figured out, I salute you:clap:, I just wouldn't waste my effort if given the choice.
I hear you on the not wanting to do a lotta work, my dude,.

but you gotta understand.
With hydro, it really isnt much maintenance. Everything runs on timers.

And you blend your nutes once and use it like a bottle of storebought nutrients. you dont have to weigh out salts everytime you change your res.
You make gallons of that shit at a time and use them just like fox farm humboldt AN etc.

Mxing nutes doesnt take long at all. If you dont think 15 minutes of your time is with a couple hundred dollars a year, then dont mix your own nutes.

Personally I'd rather not pay that markup. HPS lights take enough $$...


Well-Known Member
Well spoken, maybe you'll start a revolution and get a whole bunch of growers to start thinking for themselves and working towards their own best interest.

Let's stop paying ridiculous mark-ups to grow what can grow in the wild anyway, after all it's a weed!


Well-Known Member
Sadly, I currently only own a couple mac's so Hydrobuddy isn't available to me.
It has tools even for commercial fertilizer users as well so if you can get something like boot camp or whatever makes a pc program work on mac that would be a useful tool.. If nothing else sure as hell fun to play with when you are high. I wouldn't try to force mixing your own nutrients down your throat bro, you don't have to do that but this tool is like a new video game at first it is just funny to see which salts it would mix to make a formula. Also you can copy commercial nutrients, save that then do it with another and use that info into excel for nutrient merging purposes if you wanted to, which I do actually do.
Hello and how are you?

I too have read fatmans posts and wonder if it can be that simple.

Will you try and do it with a journal and pics?

good luck
Hello again

What I am looking for is a great (the one best) recipe of store bought goodies. I have done GH's 123 up to advanced nutes conni w/all extras. seems like I can't get that great smell like I have in soil. ( hydroton now).

anyone try earth juice in hydroton?


Well-Known Member
I won't do a journal with pics on mixing my own nutrients because of the way people treated fatman. I care about everyone it is my nature, I am the furthest thing from a prick but I am effected by people going after me, attacking every little thing I say and etc.. Do you realize the only reason they went after fatman is because the spent years paying hundreds of dollars for nutrients, that fatman explained are basic salts! So I don't think any of us will do a journal now. Someone bored who wants to be attacked then finally banned for speaking the truth, perhaps someone will come along again.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
I have clones right now that I'm going to try with my nutrient mix once they root. I've read something about MES buffer, its supposed to be a pH buffer around 6.0. I'm going to try and order some of that before these things are ready to go.

Also, MeJuana. You are a godsend for providing links to that Hydrobuddy application.
Saved me a lot of time not having to take out old chem notes.
+Rep, my dude.
i dont think u should do tha why would u do that nutes arnt expensicve ur wasting your time no one is going to have these "recipies" becuse its stupid and noone dose it

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Why are you dick worms doubting me?

Compound Amount (g)
KNO3 86
Ca(NO3)2 405.5
FeDTPA11% 9.9

MgSO4 50.7
ZnSO4 2.2
MnSO4 1.54
CuSO4 0.04
H3BO3 1.14
Na2MoO4 0.024

and the analysis should be...
Analysis: % by weight.
N 6
P2O5 4
K2O 4
Mg 0.5
Mn 0.05
Zn 0.05
Ca 1
Fe 0.1
Cu 0.05
Mo 0.001
B 0.02

I know going to thousandths of a gram can be tricky, especially if you dont have access to a precision scale.
Do your best. You can dissolve a larger amount into solution, then do the math and only add a fraction of solution.
On the micros, I would recommend that its better to go under than over.

And I think the math might be off for calcium, I'm not sure. Someone can check that stoichiometry.

I use low calcium levels because i have sort of hard tapwater.

So there you have it, if anyone wants to stop buying veg nutes and make their own, it IS cheaper.
Took me about 3 to 5 batches of nutrients to finally get it right, but this one WILL work.
DO NOT take shortcuts in mixing it.

Some of this stuff is not good for you. I would recommend using a respirator if one is available. If not, just try to make larger volumes at a time and dont huff the fumes....


Active Member
Clown Baby, thats frigging sweet. i will be watching with interest. Dont listen to the haters, help us openminded folks expand our knowledge.


Active Member
fatmans formulae do work i have been using his re-circulating bloom formula,made from basic chemicals, and have used it for the last few crops, it has worked fine, i had to tweek it slightly; i couldnt get any amminium molybdate and had to substitute sodium molybdate, you need a little bit more, but seeing as how its only a microscopic ammount its ok and had worked fine. the cost was a fraction of what i would pay for GH which is what i had been using, and it works just as good at a tenth of the price.


Active Member
I have used hydrobuddy calculator and started my own stuff too. I wish I could figure out what would be the best bloom formula from the preloaded recipes in hydrobuddy's data base of recipes. I use r.o. water to mix my raw salts, but use tap when mixing the A & B solutions. My tap water is 126 ppm out the tap, one of the few things Detroit gets right is our water. If anybody knows which recipe in that data base will be best for bloom please respond I have subscribed to this thread.
