Nutrient, too much, too little?


Well-Known Member

Is this too much nutrient or too little? I did burn her early on but she has been on 25% strength (0.33 ec) all the time, except I flushed her yesterday and put her on just water incase it was chemical burn. She's LA Woman and 8 weeks old now...


Well-Known Member
what size pot you have her in. looks like she should be transplanted into something larger. drooping leaves sometimes indicates them being root-bound.


Well-Known Member
If the burn still continues up the plant you might be screwed. But the flush might have saved you. Mabye do a second flush just to make sure. That plant is very small for 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Besides all the good advice above, I would give her Compost Tea. I brew my own , I got a brew kit several years ago for great price from local Gardening store & saved alot of $ brewing my own rather than buying it. I highly recommend tea's, U don't have to use the same type i mentioned above... Research it...U can even make your own with 5 gallon bucket, air stone & paint filter net that fits the bucket. Alaskan Humus Soil & Bioactivitor...Brew 24 hrs. And then Four gallons makes 36 gal. of best smelling earth juice around (8-1 ratio) All plants love it. Peace & Happing Gardening


Well-Known Member
IMO this plant looks too pale to be too much nutes.

At 8weeks of veg i would be around 1.6EC.

I hand water coco at present.

IMO its probably going to be either under feeding or a pH issue.



Well-Known Member
She's in a bubbler, so can't be water, check Ph every couple of days and it's been fine, she's in a net pot so can't be pot bound. I've eliminated everything but feeding too much or too little... I think.
Thanks for all the input, but I still don't know what to do...


Well-Known Member
She's in a bubbler, so can't be water, check Ph every couple of days and it's been fine, she's in a net pot so can't be pot bound. I've eliminated everything but feeding too much or too little... I think.
Thanks for all the input, but I still don't know what to do...
IMO if pH is stable between 5.5-5.8 then it could only be your EC needs to be higher.

Try running your bubbler at 0.7EC



Well-Known Member
Was starting to think perhaps not enough, so upping ec to 0.7....and crossing fingers etc etc etc. How long untill a positive or negative effect can be seen do you think?


Well-Known Member
i always allow 1 week before making any further decisions, your plant should green up more and start to have a vigorous growth spurt..

You can also test your EC of your bubbler to monitor how shes feeding.

If EC drops after a few days then shes feeding. If EC rises shes drinking more water.

Adjust to suit. If EC drops more than 0.2 then adjust your next top up to 0.9EC if it rises more than 0.2 then reduce top up to 0.5EC etc.

Make sense?



Well-Known Member
Yep! Makes sense. The ec yesterday was 0.17, and 0.15 before I just changed it up to 0.7.


Well-Known Member
You're doing the right things just not making the next step.

Test Your EC's like you are but make sure you adjust approx weekly. Dont jump too far wnen adjusting!



Well-Known Member
Nice one jondamon! She's perked up nicely. I would have worked it out eventually, but I doubt in time..kiss-ass