Nutrients during flower - do you really need them?


Active Member
As the topic says , is it that important? With the rates needed so low would you just be better off using good old plain water?


Well-Known Member
As the topic says , is it that important? With the rates needed so low would you just be better off using good old plain water?
With the rates needed being so low?

I don't even know what you're talking about.

In full flower for me around week5-7 of 12/12 I run at a higher strength than I have at any other point during a grow.

Please explain what you mean?

No nutes during flowering would cause your plants to...
2.Have deficiencies
3.Not reach their potential
4.Possibly die from lack of nutes starting at the bottom of the plant.



Active Member
With the rates needed being so low?

I don't even know what you're talking about.

In full flower for me around week5-7 of 12/12 I run at a higher strength than I have at any other point during a grow.

Please explain what you mean?

No nutes during flowering would cause your plants to...
2.Have deficiencies
3.Not reach their potential
4.Possibly die from lack of nutes starting at the bottom of the plant.

Just from what i've read on here , I think just a seaweed based fert would be good enough. Something very weak.

  • Vegetative Stage
    N - P - K
    3 - 1 - 2

    Flowering Stage
    N - P - K
    1 - 1 - 2

    Final Flowering Stage
    N - P - K
    0 - 1 - 2

    To translate this into a 12 week schedule for a typical Skunk type such as Cheese or Psychosis would give something along these lines:

    Veg week 1: 3 - 1 - 2
    Veg week 2: 3 - 1 - 2
    Flo week 1 : 3 - 1 - 2
    Flo week 2 : 3 - 1 - 2
    Flo week 3 : 1 - 1 - 2
    Flo week 4 : 1 - 1 - 2
    Flo week 5 : 1 - 1 - 2
    Flo week 6 : 1 - 1 - 2
    Flo week 7 : 0 - 1 - 2
    Flo week 8 : 0 - 1 - 2
    Flo week 9 : 0 - 0 - 0
    Flo week 10: 0 - 0 - 0​



Well-Known Member

You do realise those are NPK numbers.

Depending upon the brand of nutes you choose, you could be adding quite a few millilitres per litre if water.

I use a 2-1-3 from start to finish.

I mix 18 litres of water at a time and add 45ml of my A and B forumla.

This brings me EC up to 1.4.

Plants at varying stages of growth will require higher or lower EC depending upon plant size, environment etc.



Well-Known Member
Something else I should mention.

I said I use a 2-1-3 from start to finish.

Its actually 6-3-9. So the concentrations are higher but its still the same ratio 2-1-3 but in a more concentrated form.

In this more concentrated form I still have to use 45ml of my A and B formula.

If it was a 2-1-3 formula I would probably be adding somewhere near 135ml of my A and B formula to 18litres of water.

The larger the numbers for NPK the more concentrated the nutrients are therefore the LESS you have to use.



Well-Known Member
Yeah..I agree,the NPK numbers being low doesnt mean weak. Those numbers are just a ratio to keep in mind when mixing a batch of nutrients that will tell you how many milliliters or tbsp (per gallon or liter) of that nutrient bottle to add to your bucket or rez that already has water in it. You can weaken or strengthen it as well, just by dividing or doubling all 3 parts equally, and then mixing that into water.

If youre growing in soil,depending on how fortified with organic matter it is, you might not have to add much. But if you are growing in an inert media like coco,hydroton, or have to supply all the nutrients the plant will need, and a little sea kelp wouldnt be sufficient in those situations