looking for some advice on nutrients.....DWC is on the way, any solution to add to cloner to help the rooting progress? once they are cloned they are going into soil...so any advice on good nutes to go into water then into soil with clone? any ideas would be greatly appreciated....thx Oh....btw what would be a good PH meter to use?
For DWC:
I'd go with Sensi Grow and Bloom. Don't get all caught up in the enhancers (Big Bud, Overdrive etc) first time around. Just run the Grow nutes at about 700 ppm and Bloom nutes at 1000 ppm. Watch your plants the first time thru and take notes. Only deviation that you might make is if you have alot of leaves turning yellow in the first 4 weeks of 12/12 add a bit of grow to the mix. If you using RO water use CalMag also. Currently I use Big Bud as an enhancer during 12/12 from week 3 to week 6.
Just a bit of rooting hormone is all you might use. When most of my clones are rooted in the bubbler I give a light dose of Grow to get them started growing.
In Veg I use Miracle Grow All Purpose at about 1/2 strength and then the Sensi Bloom with a light dose of CalMag in 12/12.
For PH:
I use the good old fashion drop kit. No need to worry if its calibrated correctly. You will need a TDS meter though if your doing DWC.