Nutrients Help Plz !!


hi every body ,

i got 10-10-10 Nutrients , written on it = Rich of Organic acid and Amino Acid

Ist good For Veg ??? my plants are 20 days old can i start Nutrients ?

your reply is highly appreciated :) thnx

<<< my avatar is a pic of my 20 days old plant <<

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Most likely you put it in a soil tht wil have nutrients for 30 days. And I always say a new grower should wait 7-10 days to feed after they think they should. When you feed start at 1/4 strength and raise it very slowly. get a good accurate measureing device.


thnx alot lord., they wrote on the nutrients feed ur plant 2 ML mixed with 1 liter of water , how can i measure the 2 ML . ist a half tablespoon ?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I buy the big fat syringes that are in ML with no needle, that hold up to 60 ML. Other then that use a conversion chart from the internet. I would suggest using ML though. it is way more accurate. Like I put 50 ML of Cyco A & B to 5 gallons of water.