nutrients help

I got 7 sprouts about a week and a half old in a bubbleponic system...when do I start giving nutrients? And what would be the best to buy


its usually safe to start nutes after 2-3 weeks
but ive heard other people say they start after week one with no problems, but i would play it safe.
good luck


well are you looking for organic?
im using organic myself and using Pure blend pro grow by BOTANICARE
and for bloom when im there, pure blend pro grow bloom.
seems to work great!
also heard great things from other people about the same stuff

...sorry pure blend pro bloom


Well-Known Member
I nute my girls pretty from the time they have their first leaves, leaves me plenty of time to work into my nutrient schedule. I start off at such a small amount of nutes tho... Generally plants start actually needing some nutrient values after they start putting out real leaves.

Nutrients are nutrients, find one that works for you. People pay much to much attention to how much they are putting into their grow. Your girls have a set list of requirements, pretty much so long as you meet those requirements it won't matter what brand you give em.


Well-Known Member
I got 7 sprouts about a week and a half old in a bubbleponic system...when do I start giving nutrients? And what would be the best to buy
Nutes shouldent be applied till the second week or when your plants 4th set of leaves grow in (which ever happens first) seedlings dont need nutes because their embryonic (first leaves) feeds your plant till the leaves become nacrotic, as long as you pay attention to your embryonic leaves and start feeding when they start dieing you'll be good.


Well-Known Member
The first set of leaves are not leaves they are cotyledon. They do provide stored energy but not much in the way of nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings can be given harf strenth nutrients has soon has the first true leave's show.But up till then i would only feed superthrive this is even used in the germanation of the seeds that i grow.Just one drop per litre of water though and after the first leaves show add harf strenth nutes this will be fine and can help the plant more than it will harm it.But have a ph of around 5.5.I use vitalink a and b veg the same brand but bloom a and b.Vitalink is 5 pound for each 1 ltr container so you will spend no more than 20 pound through the whole grow.If you water correct 1 a week sometimes have to give them a little more around day 5 but let the plants dry out it will also benefit you in the long run.Letting the plants dry a little will force more roots to search out water that will only be there when you water.Too many people on this site water far too much there is no need for it the bigger the root mass the bigger the yeild.I water my clones the same has the seedlings but i give them a gentle tug after about 7/12 days and you will feel a little resistance once you feel this give the clones some feed too.I would recomend any of the following advanced nutrients sesi pro but too be honest i have tried most and the yeild is the same has good old vitalink.I add buddy too the vitalink during the second week of flowering but always have the ph at 5.5/6.0.