nutrients help ?

Need help with nutrients schedule & quantity, indoor closet single fluro batten & 150w mh flood. Pretty ghetto set up but workin with what iv got atm. Lights are on 18/6, 2 plants, 23 days old and looking healthy. Don't know the strain just bag seed.
Who can help me ease in nutes, just brought some Yates Fish Emulsion ? Anyone have experience with the same brand ?



Well-Known Member
ur ganna need more then fish emulsion..thats just an additive your ganna need a BASE a 3part micro, grow, bloom..?? do u know anything about nutrients??
Nar mate pretty new to it. This is only my 2nd grow, first indoor. Didn't bother with nutes last time, so lookin for any advice at all

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The Fish Emulsion is a good source of Nitrogen, but you also need sources of P & K. Bat & Seabird Guanos can be found with alot of Phosphorus, Nitrogen or both, as well as a host of micronutrients. Bone Meal is a great source of P & Ca as well. Kelp & Seaweed fertilizers usually have some Potassium in them. Worm Castings should be a part of every indoor soil imo and contain a little N, Mg and other micros. Palm Bunch Ash (0-0-30) is a very strong source of organic K but isn't usually available locally. All of the other ferts mentioned are carried by most Garden Centers.


Active Member
Nar mate pretty new to it. This is only my 2nd grow, first indoor. Didn't bother with nutes last time, so lookin for any advice at all
Same here, I'm just learning to use nutes and I don't know jack, but I'll tell you what worked for me last grow... I used blood/bonemeal in my soil mix to get em through veg so I fed once a week during flower, and...

Foxfarm nutes (also have GH trio, will try them next) 1/2 tsp Grow Big and 1/2 tsp Tiger Bloom per gallon once a week. Fattest buds I've grown so far, avatar is one of them... here's a pic


Well-Known Member
Adding some Blood and bone meal will help in veg and when you flip to flower use some Tomato food from a big box store. I grow 99% Organic and just for an experiment I use what I could find in the big box stores and it worked way better than I thought. I have done 3 grows with boxed nutrients and the only difference is in yield, it is down by about 20% but with a few plants it will not matter much. Best of luck, just don't over due it.
That's my main worry is overfeeding, thanks for the help.
Just upgraded to 400wh mh aswell, pretty exited to see any difference, any point in using the fluros aswell ?


Well-Known Member
I would use the floro in the middle of the plants or on the side, the more light the better. The best way to tell if your feeding them enough is to watch the tips of the leaves when they start to get just a touch of yellow/brown back if off 15% and your there. A little tip burn is not a bad thing. I am talking a little bit, you can see what I mean from by pics. ;-)

Thanks mate, great photos for btw. Can get great help on this forum.
Iam on day 26 from seed, am I ready to start adding nutes or still to early ?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The plants start needing weak nutrients when the three-bladed leaves start growing in. This is usually the point where they are transplanted from an inert seed-starter medium into nutritious soil. If they are moved into fertile soil with some of everything they need, no extra nutrients need be applied until the levels provided by the substrate begin to decrease significantly.