nutrients HELP!!


Active Member
i've never used nute's yet and was woundering what would be some good ones to use from sproutling to smoke iam a noob so please try to keep it simple and low cost as posible but iam going to be useing natural and compost soil for the most part of my grow and iam doing a side experiment useing either foxfarm soil or happy frog soil on the side in a diffrent area so please help a brotha out.

p.s. iam guerilla growing this year so i need low cost nuts but still good shit to get some dank shit going


Well-Known Member
I use Wal Mart's Plant sMart line 20-20-20 and 14-30-15. I paid about $8 for a 3 pound tub each. They'll work just as well as any high end shit.
Miracle Grow has the same stuff just a bit pricier


Well-Known Member
What you need is an organic premix you can blend in with your native soil. These feed from seedling stage all the way through summer and when the plants start to flower you come along with a bloom booster and top dress the soil around the plants.

A simple example of an organic premix that would give good results all summer long would be Espoma Plant tone

Its a blend of organic amendments that gives 5-3-3

Ingredients: Hydrolyzed Feather Meal, Pasteurized Poultry Manure, Cocoa Meal, Bone Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Greensand, Humates, Sulfate of Potash, and Sulfate of Potash Magnesia.

This premade organic premix comes with a blend of microbes that gives your organic grow a bit of a kick start.

Another option would be to create your own blend of an organic premix and add to that mycorrhizae, bacteria and other beneficials. That way you can make it as strong as you want and have control over the quality of ingredients.

What I usually do is this:

1 part bloodmeal for nitrogen
2 parts bonemeal for phosphorous
1 part kelpmeal for potassium
1 part lime for cal mag and PH buffer
1 part of greensand for micro's
1 jar of oregonism for all beneficials

1 part potash as bloom booster - added @ flower

Sometimes I make guano tea as an extra.


Well-Known Member
look up uncle ben..he used walmart nutrients..u might be able to find out what brand and what dosages he did..i would never use it still no matter what he said but if u dont got a lot of money to work with then have a go at it and make it a little experiment with cheap nutes


Active Member

i have a 20-20-20 water solible fert and a 10-10-10 sprinkle in fert would these be good and did you use them and how successful where you with them? thanks


thanks for the heads up on the soil but would i find these at a garden store, do these go by there names or something diffrent , and what would you say measurements would be for these? thanks


Yes great reply! Don't be so alarmed about what to add nutirent wise into your soil until you actually get this plant off the ground. Focus on your water and soil mix (You said Guerilla growing), be aware of your surroundings and prepare for when you get busy. Write your ideas down on paper so they are visible and plan your grow op in a very efficient way. Less trips, means less chance of getting caught! ;)


Well-Known Member
An organic premix has no soil in it.

Its a mix of different kind of organic amendments with no media at all. Think of it as a concentrate.

An organic premix is a time released organic fertilizer blend that you mix into your soil. Its food for the plants that you put into the soil. And it gets slowly released over a period of a few months time.

You can look for any kind of organic premix that is premade and in a box. Then follow the instructions on it.

But what you want is a high amount of Nitrogen and a balanced ratio of P and K. The numbers dont matter so much, as they are a gauge of strength. They will always be lower when dealing with organics over chemical fertilizers. But the goal is the same. To aim for balance that cannabis thrives on.

I apply my premix recipe @ 4 cups per 5 gallons of soil to grow 8+ foot plants.

The amount of premix you use depends on how big you want the plants to be.


Well-Known Member
"frmrboi" i have a 20-20-20 water solible fert and a 10-10-10 sprinkle in fert would these be good and did you use them and how successful where you with them?
you mix them with water and water it in when needed. It's all I ever use, the plants don't care what you paid for the nutrients.
There's lot's of people who use budget nutes with no problems. If you want a soil additive type you'll need timed release pellets.


Well-Known Member
i'm currently using a 20-20-20 water soluble with good results. the packet says 2tbps per gallon, but i use 2 heaping tsps per gallon and feed my girl a half gallon every week and my girl has yet to show me a defiency. rite now i JUST started flowering so im going to get a 10-30-10 and do the same thing.



Active Member
thanks yall i appriciate it ive never used nute's before so this will be a first i have no idea what kind of seeds i have to this will be a fun experience all i know is that there are reggos and some chronic ones but yea thanks yall for the help iam going to be posting a journal and pics up so if you ever wana check up on them ill be useing everyones advice