IMANOOB, do yourself a huge favor and get an RO filter, it will save you tons of time and problems, trust me, i lost 180 clones in 2 months due to bad tap water, you dont want these problems bra, trust me
Stops all the guessing, 0ppm, cant ask for more than that
Heres mine, best waste to RO out there, 3:1
As for house and garden additives, use the aquaflakes lines, A & B, with ALL the additives, a simple google search could find all them, but ill make it easy for ya, ill even give u the UK site
And yes thats my stinky room
And if you dont have a ppm meter yet, get one, I recomend the bluelab combo meter, its spendy but it gives you PPM,EC, or CF, and Temp, and PH all in one
That way u can measure everything u need, including ur tap water