Nutrients of choice...

I do not know about there but in the U.S. the water treatment plants must make available to their customers the water analysis on the water they sell. However, any compnay that sells water softeners will usually test your water for the diferrent calcium's. Or ask a reef aquarium owner or a good tropical fish store, as any reef tank keeo per with corals tests for calcium levels regularly.
I do not know about there but in the U.S. the water treatment plants must make available to their customers the water analysis on the water they sell. However, any compnay that sells water softeners will usually test your water for the diferrent calcium's. Or ask a reef aquarium owner or a good tropical fish store, as any reef tank keeo per with corals tests for calcium levels regularly.

I think I will try the aquarium store and see if they have kits...I would be interested to see the results.

What do you know about these nutes in aero? I cant buy foxfarms in the uk.

General Hydroponics Flora Nutrients

General Hydroponics
FloraGro NPK ratio: 2:1:7,
FloraBloom NPK ratio: 0:5:4,
FloraMicro NPK ratio: 4:0:1.
GH has TONS of salt buildup, u will be scrubbing ur res's everytime u change dog

If ur in the UK i know u can get House and Garden, since they are made in the dam

Check them out, there aquaflakes line is the one i recomend, they are also much cheaper in the long run, as the application ratio is much much less the GH

heres a list of all there in store locations in the UK

Good luck
Gh is fine fertilizer but over priced. Just use Two parts bloom to 1 part Micro. Most people that have a large amount of salt build up have it because they use tap water that is high in calcium, and because they do not top off their reservoirs with water at least once per day and they tend to go too long between reservoir changes so they develop ionic inbalances therefore end up with a lot of calcium sufate precipitate, magnesium nitrate precipitation and calcium carbonate precipitation.

It is alot like what would happen if you mix a gallon of Part A concentrate with a gallon of Part B concentatrate. It is usually not the fault of the product but its improper use or just purchasing the wrong product for use with your water supply. There are many thousands of growers using GH at a 2:1 ratio of Bloom to Micro that do regular reservoir changes without having a build up problem and that tends to indicate it is user error not product error.
Don't waste your money. Just buy good quality GH or AN two parts. One part micro and two parts bloom. Or buy Veg and Bloom ans Micro. Use micro at all times and use eitheh veg or tow parts bloom depending whether or not you are vegging or blooming. The only way you will never need to not test ppm/conductivity is if you drain to waste or change to waster or change your reservoir frequently and only top off with water not additioanl nutrients. Saying you would never have to test for pH agian is ludicrous in an aero or hydroponic system. Even if their miraculous discovery would work in the way the davertise it would still not prevent pH canges due to organics such as dieing roots, or due to the roots releasing H+ ions every time it uptakes ammonical nitrogen nor would it counter execssive CO2 in the water or for low O2 in thw water. It is just more AN marketing crap. Possibly finding some way to deal with one issue does not meamn all the other issues go way. Especially when they just sell alor t of other crap that neutraloizes anty possible benefits from their newest product. Like they sell probably half a dozen products now with acid digested humus added,. Do like many other s have done and use two or three of their produts all at once that contain humus.

IMHO Until the day they open up and sell their products as U.S. manfacturers do by providing a full disclosure of what is in their products and they actually give a full analysis of all of their products it is safest to just avoid all their products but the simple two part formulas as groers have tested and retested those so the analysis is known. If you can't test for it and you dont know what is in it or how much is in it you shouldn't use it unless they honestly disclose its contents and their concentrations. Screw their lame excuse "it's proprietary information, and you probably could not read the words anyway." Those ec xcuses are illegal (in this country), lame and insulting.
Alot of people say that about AN products...but I have used big bud and it worked really well...however the perfect ph stuff does sound dubious haha.

I see Stinkbud uses Botanicare products in his aero setup...the only place i can find them is on ebay (is it safe to buy shit like this from there?)

I like the sound of
BotanicarePure Blend Pro Bloom
Pure Blend Pro Grow
Liquid Karma

run this nutrient formula for vegetative growth:

Botanicare Nutrients:
126ML Cal-Mag Plus
180ML Liquid Karma
540ML Pure Bend Pro Vegetative Formula

I start at 1500 PPM and bring it up to 2000 PPM by the second week of veg. I change the nutrients every 3 weeks with each new crop.

I adjust my PH to 5.8

Here is my formula for my flower room:

Botanicare Nutrients:
126ml Cal-Mag Plus
150ml Sweet
180ml Liquid Karma
540mlL Pure Bend Pro Bloom

The Mix

Mix all the nutrients in a spare gallon milk container. Add water and shake well. The whole mix will take an 18 gal reservoir to 2900 PPM.

Add about half of the mix and check your PPM. It will be low so you will have to keep adding nutrients until you get it to 2000 PPM.

It is easy to add more nutrients but hard to take them out If you go over you have to drain some nutrients /water from the res and add more plain water.

That's why you want to take it slow at first.

Always adjust your PH after you set your nutrients PPM.
Fill the res with water and start adding the nutrient formula until it reaches the correct PPM.
@ beta0701
So you use House and Garden? I had never heard of them until you mentioned them, they work well with your aero system Anybody else use/heard of them? Reviews?

So, I have a choice of

Botanicare (eBAY)
GH (trusted website)
House and Garden (trusted website)

money isnt really an option here, just I want nutes which wont clog up my system...Im leaning towards Bontanicare purely cause Mr Stinky uses them and everybody else that uses his system. Kinda tried n tested

Thoughts anyone?

No i currently use Botanicare, and if you choose to do so, i would highly recomend adding Cal-Mag, and Sweet to your mix

And to Fatman, you are correct, tap water def causes salt buildup to occur much faster, but who the fuck uses tap water in an Aero grow?????

To my next point, i would highly recomend running RO water if your tap water is over 150ppm
1) you have no clue wtf is in that 150ppm
2) When you start with RO, you start with 0ppm, that means u control everything that goes into ur soup

Now, house and garden, i will be switching to these when my 5 gal Bot are gone

Some more experienced stinkers are switching to house and garden for many reasons here are a few
1) Cheaper than botanicare and cheaper than GH
2) Less salt buildup than the both of them, aka CLEANER
3) There additives are INSANE, shooting powder and shooting gel and all this other shit that just makes the buds explode
4) There made in the Dam, which means they are very plant specific
5) There just a really really good nutrient, which is cheaper, cleaner, and gets u big buds

OOOO YA, dont use miracle grow in areo, but i figure ur smart enough to know that


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beta0701 & fatman7574

I appreciate you both sticking with my thread and explaining to me, im glad I didnt rush out and buy these products. The "House and Garden" nutes sound good, esp if a lot of experienced growers that use stickbuds method (which use the same 360 degree misters) and find is better suited...means I dont need to do the expensive trials to come up with this conclusion. This is why LOVE rollitup...guys like you that stick with us noobs haha!

Both yourself and fatman mention what my tap waters ppm is...I will find out this weekend as I will goto an aquarium and buy the kit. The water where I live is the best in the country...but I still need to find out for peace of mind...dont want to have to clean my res all the time. Not good for a noob like me.

Ok, so here is what Growell offers in the way of House and Garden:

Flakes? Is that correct? I cant find the additives you mentioned...I will keep searching.

As always, thanks folks :)
ps - is that your grow beta? i would love to make a stink system, just dont have the room or the $

is that 40 plants? they look big in size expecting a bumper crop this year haha :D
The problem with saying the best in the country is a lo t of people base best upon having few man made contaminants (petroleum and chlorine based chemicals) present. That says nothing for the calcium content. Most tropical fish stores that sell marine fish and live corals will test your water for free or at cost. To test for all calciums you would need to test both for calcium and magnesium, as the magnesium test is actually a test for magneisum carbonate. You want to preferabbly know the amount of calcium, calcium carbonate and magnesium/magnesium carbonate..
Nice one, thanks for the great info. I will phone round a few shops and see if anybody does it...any good excuses if they ask? I managed to conjure up a tale about a bearded dragon when I bought my uvb haha!
IMANOOB, do yourself a huge favor and get an RO filter, it will save you tons of time and problems, trust me, i lost 180 clones in 2 months due to bad tap water, you dont want these problems bra, trust me

Stops all the guessing, 0ppm, cant ask for more than that

Heres mine, best waste to RO out there, 3:1

As for house and garden additives, use the aquaflakes lines, A & B, with ALL the additives, a simple google search could find all them, but ill make it easy for ya, ill even give u the UK site

And yes thats my stinky room

And if you dont have a ppm meter yet, get one, I recomend the bluelab combo meter, its spendy but it gives you PPM,EC, or CF, and Temp, and PH all in one

That way u can measure everything u need, including ur tap water
IMANOOB, do yourself a huge favor and get an RO filter, it will save you tons of time and problems, trust me, i lost 180 clones in 2 months due to bad tap water, you dont want these problems bra, trust me

Stops all the guessing, 0ppm, cant ask for more than that

Heres mine, best waste to RO out there, 3:1

Don't know about the price of the hydrologic system, but it is not really anything special. A standard three stage prefilter system with standard 10" cartridges. The RO membarne would have to B be either a dow FilTech or a Applied membranes filter as they are the only manafcatures of standar home owner sized RO membarnes rated at 100 gph.

Actually it is a very minimal but good RO filter that is sold with a top quality RO membrane filter. I can almost guarantee the Filter Guys would sell you a better four stage filter with the same RO membrane for the same price. Here is the RO membrane. It is listed as a (98% rejection 100 gpd membrane). As you can see the 100 gpd best quality membrane is only $5 more than the best quality 75 gpd filter. So the cost fora four stge should be $141.

As far as waste. They are all about 4 gallons to waste for each gallon of RO water produced unless you put out be ig bucks. My commercial RO filter has a 4" by 40" membarne and uses a 1 hp pump and a divertor valve and it still uses at laest 0.75 gallons of waste per each gallon of filtered water. It produces 100 gallons per hour. I do not need that large of a system but I got it used very cheap, so. I use it to fill a 1000 gallon plastic water storage tank.
Ah, that was it...didnt want to just type some random rubbish haha. Yeah tap water here is great, is there a way of testing how much calcium etc is in it? Just if I wanted to know exactly what was in it...

it made sense in my head before I started typing haha...need to proof read what I type!

Out of intrested, what kinda aero system you got? Also, what base nutes do you use?

Sorry for the delayed reply, but i lost this thread for a minute

And sorry again to say that I have no useful info to offer as I did not use an aero system--I hand-watered--but I do know that the supplements I suggested should work fine in any. Liquid Karma really is "the tits" (lingo i picked up right here on RIU, LOL) As far as nutes--mine were homemade--and worked beautifully w rockwool.

but the recipe is an ancient chinese secret......

really, it's actually modern and originated in Chicago & I can post it for anyone who uses rockwool because it was SUPERIOR to all others that I ever tried.

& Spray n grow is an excellent foliar feed