nutrition for the first time *first time grower*


New Member
hi guys ,
this site is a huge help for me , really informative and full of great people who shares the passion ;)

so my first grow is going well , my plant is 13 days old , i dont know if i should start using some nutrition or not .
my medium is half moss and half per-lite ( the moss part container says that its fertilized for 2 weeks) . so should i add some nutrition or wait , and if i have to whats the best N-P-K to use
i got the 20-20-20 one but i can find something else if it goes better .
plus i need to know how to use it with water ( really never done this before)

thanks alot guys ;)


Well-Known Member
Start small and build it up to the bottles reccomondation. Like start with 1 teaspoon per gallon then 2 feeds later up it to 2 teaspoons and so fourth


Well-Known Member
perlite is an inert (meaning holds no nutrients) medium and moss is relatively inert, so you will need to start feeding. The best way is to get a little ppm (part per million) metre off ebay for $15 that tells you what the tap water is in parts per million and what the parts per million is after you add the nutrients. You could start with 300 ppm or something low like that however our tapwater is already 300ppm so I'd use distilled or rainwater which has a very low ppm. Failing that just add your nutrients slowly as above poster states maybe 1/4 recommended dose and gradually increase


Well-Known Member
First 20-20-20 is very strong stuff and sounds like miracle grow basic yard fert. At the very least switch the the tomato type. But in all reality your best bet is gonna be some botanicare products (or similar company , I use botanicare grow,bloom,cal mag and thats it). You should always wait for the plant to tell you it needs food the first couple times with that specific plant untill you know what it needs (example my applejack get no extra nutes untill 6 weeks in while my blue dream likes to start eating at 4 weeks) always better to error on the side of less with nutes and watering
Be careful if this is your first grow and first time trying nutes. Below is my first time adding nutes to my plants.
I lost 3 plants because I water/nute'd them at 3.5 weeks old. (Using the recommended dose) Though I was able to save some by instantly flushing them with filtered/balanced water, you will notice within a few minutes how your plant takes to the addition.

My advice, depending on your soil medium and lighting, stick with water for a few more weeks and then start adding nutes. I'm sure a ton of people on here would advice different but, just make sure to watch your plants and react to how they take to things.

That same plant now.


Well-Known Member
Agree with everyone, and shared a similar experience with Denver dolomite. Luckily I had some seedlings started for "experimental" purposes so the losses were acceptable, but if you're gonna feed then start small. Give it time to see how it reacts. Overfeeding is a huge problem with new growers, so just take it slow and see how she reacts.


Well-Known Member
Its not even overfeeding. Its giving extra nutes at all. The plant just doesn't need em the first month unless your growing Hydro/hempy style which your not


Well-Known Member
My first attempt at growing was killed quickly using the same nutrients you have. I suggest nutrients specifically made for Mary Jane. Not stuff you find at Home Depot. I suggest good soil like ffof, I find I don't need nutrients for 30 full days or more in this soil. Then you start at 1/4 strength, followed by plain water on the next two waterings, then repeat nutrients at 1/4 strength. Graduallu work your way up to 3/4 strength dosage remembering the plain waterings I between.


New Member
thanks all for the replies , the thing is that we don't have sophisticated gardening places where i live , i even looked for a week to find per-lite ;)
i will wait a little for the nutrients. my plant is growing good , i bought today a soil meter that looks for moisture and ph levels , it helps a lot as it told me that my plant needs watering and after i did watering the meter went to the green side telling me its good . but what i am noticing is that my PH level is high between 7.5 and 7.8 >>> so what should i do ( ph level of soil)
Check out and just order online or see if you have a local distributor. Home Depot has some products, soil wise, that you can use. I wouldn't use any of their nutes.

I am still a beginner, but i use organic ingredients to neutralize my ph with like a Lemon or something acidic, you can make it go higher or lower with different things around your house if you can't buy the ph balancers from a grow store. Any pics of your plants?


Well-Known Member
You can use any soil and any nute as long as you wait for your plant to say it needs it and use the right ammounts. This is after a one of the hardiest "weeds" on the planet. Dont fert early and dont drown it and it should do well


New Member
yes i do have pics , thanks all for the replies ;)

i planted 8 new seeds , just yesterday . the germination process is becoming excellent with almost all seeds germinated great .
i dont know what the strain is , ( i know nothing about it) so its gonna be a surprise.
there is the meter photo ( the meter i used for moisture and ph) is it good for PH ( reliable) ??

Looks good! Just keep watering and good light on them. Keep updating, congrats on the successful pops you have and future ones.