nuts or unopened flowers?

Ok so what I have here are BB x WW at the start of 4th week flower. I'm planning on harvesting at the end of January. Its a 2x2 square closet , with 2 150 watt hps lamps hanging side by side, a vent with a fan blowing cold winter air up onto the hot lights putting me between 70 and 80 Fahrenheit, and 2 pc fans blowing across the tops allowing my lights to be 2 inches away.

I was finding ball shaped growth at some nodes that looked like pollen sacs, thinking I had a hermi I hacked down my strongest plant. When I noticed the balls on another plant I was going to cry. But then I slowly looked up the plant and saw that these 'balls' were bursting open with huge white hairs all over the damn place. The balls were unopened female flowers, but looked JUST LIKE the male preflowers I have seen online.

Can unopened female flowers look like round or oval shaped balls? I also found a round ball that was unopened but has a white hair poking out...

I killed my plant for no reason didnt I?


Active Member
errrrrr that sucks. my female plant in flower right now looked like she had balls to me but they turned into flowers.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Ok so what I have here are BB x WW at the start of 4th week flower. I'm planning on harvesting at the end of January. Its a 2x2 square closet , with 2 150 watt hps lamps hanging side by side, a vent with a fan blowing cold winter air up onto the hot lights putting me between 70 and 80 Fahrenheit, and 2 pc fans blowing across the tops allowing my lights to be 2 inches away.

I was finding ball shaped growth at some nodes that looked like pollen sacs, thinking I had a hermi I hacked down my strongest plant. When I noticed the balls on another plant I was going to cry. But then I slowly looked up the plant and saw that these 'balls' were bursting open with huge white hairs all over the damn place. The balls were unopened female flowers, but looked JUST LIKE the male preflowers I have seen online.

Can unopened female flowers look like round or oval shaped balls? I also found a round ball that was unopened but has a white hair poking out...

I killed my plant for no reason didnt I?
you got any pics? pre-flowers at the nodes can look like seeded calyxes. you really need to post a pic to get a sure answer. right now it's just a guessing game without the pics

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Ok, they were hermies. You cant open a female flower and find a stack of hairs, ot doesnt work like that. The stack of "HAIRS" was actually immature flowers or "bananas". They sound like they were.both hermies to me. Bummer man, that.blows


Active Member
I guess you have different female preflowers then, because mine always get swollen and start with a bit of pistil coming out and then eventually open to reveal more pistils.

Pat the stoner

New Member
What the Dr. said - especially the part about a little stem connecting the pod . I know a lot of times it's hard to get good pics , more so when trying to show a small detail like what you have so I put it up on a 42'' screen and I still couldn't see it well enough to tell .
guys, that camera is shit- but alas, another ball opened and you know what was in there? a pack of small female flowers with milky white pistils. And the walls of the ball are like turning into little leaves.

Another neat thing is the plant with its own 150 watt hps has buds twice as fat as the other 2 that kind of share 1 150 watt hps.

Then disaster struck. I bent one of 4 main colas (I topped) to a sharp angle- lightning fast I grabbed some tape as I saw seemorebuds do and i taped it back into place in under a minute within the snappage luckily the tape was right there, I think its going to be fine.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Then disaster struck. I bent one of 4 main colas (I topped) to a sharp angle- lightning fast I grabbed some tape as I saw seemorebuds do and i taped it back into place in under a minute within the snappage luckily the tape was right there, I think its going to be fine.
ya dude, it will be fine. you just supercropped that cola. if you tape it up good, it will heal and you will notice that branch/stem become thicker and stronger when it heals