Nuts then water


Well-Known Member
I'v been told to water with Nuts. and then water with just PH 6.3 water and then back to Water with Nuts and so on.they say just keep going back and forth.What do you guys think? I'm in 707 soil and in day 16 of flowering???:hump:


Active Member
to be honest....i thin k we all under-fertalize....untill the plants show over-fertilizing, keep it rollin....


Active Member
i use advance and use all dose recommended...every watering....and it helps alot.....comapred to when i diid it everyother watering.....the plants will show when they have too much if one thing.....keep it keeefffein


Active Member
Most nutes have a feeding schedule online google yours. The amount of feedings and nutes are based on the size of your plants really, but start with 1/4th of what they recommend with new plants and slowly go up. If they get yellow your giving them too much. I usually feed my plants once a week when theyre thirsty and water until the next week again.