NWO Takin' Shape?


Well-Known Member
Im sorry to post again... but i couldnt just leave the whole concentration camp thing up in the air like that. Its serious people. FEMA is supposed to provide aid in time of disaster. Protect against loss of life and property. HA. FEMA is the arm of the police state that is going to do the dirty work. There are executive orders that can be enacted with the signature of Mr. Bush or Obama that will turn what was USA into a "New Nazi Germany".


New Member
im starting believe less and less in voting over the years. the last time i felt like my vote even counted a shred was 1996. it seems like america prior to the new millenium was a much different place. we used to stand for something. now we fall for a value meal.

i started to notice after y2k shit has been downhill.. music and TV has been dumbed down to irrational levels. people believe anything they see on TV and read in the paper. we have so much shit we cant even pay attention anymore.. kids need pills to pay attention. have we been created to be this way. born and bread to be like little worker ants.i really think so. we have been trained to be fearful little puppets and why? so the minority can control the majority.

i bet the biggest banker on earth doesnt watch jerry springer or eat at mcdonalds.
i wouldnt be surprised if the guy who owns coca cola doesnt drink coca cola. we know that shit is poison. but we drink it anyway? why? we have been trained to. they make great tasting poison dont they? we have been trained to live on high fructose corn syrup and low calorie ranch dressing. we have the worst diets and lifestyles and we theres a reason for that. population control

what it boils down too is that when you think about it. TV radio and even the internet werent made for our entertainment. they were made to help control the masses
^^^ This post should be read 500 times by everyone who posts here. Kudos to ya B.



Active Member
It's all happening the EU is trying to ratify what they are passing off as a Constitution- that is scary!! Thankfully the Irish people opposed it. They'll sneak it through again I am sure.

Oh and Bush passed a bill which will create the same type of North American Union (to include Canada and Mexico).

This shit is scary and it is happening and there are things we can do about it educate everyone you know!!!! Those that get pissed will do something about it and leaders will emerge and movements will be formed and we may die at the hands of our own government protecting our civil liberties, but at least we can fight for that which is innate and a God-given right and not be left to live as slaves.

Our Fore-Fathers would be proud!!

Check out Aaron Russo's movie "Freeedom To Fascism"

Go to Google: Type in: Aaron Russo Movie - it should be the seventh entry down, a google video director's version- ENJOY!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by B..
im starting believe less and less in voting over the years. the last time i felt like my vote even counted a shred was 1996. it seems like america prior to the new millenium was a much different place. we used to stand for something. now we fall for a value meal.

i started to notice after y2k shit has been downhill.. music and TV has been dumbed down to irrational levels. people believe anything they see on TV and read in the paper. we have so much shit we cant even pay attention anymore.. kids need pills to pay attention. have we been created to be this way. born and bread to be like little worker ants.i really think so. we have been trained to be fearful little puppets and why? so the minority can control the majority.

i bet the biggest banker on earth doesnt watch jerry springer or eat at mcdonalds.
i wouldnt be surprised if the guy who owns coca cola doesnt drink coca cola. we know that shit is poison. but we drink it anyway? why? we have been trained to. they make great tasting poison dont they? we have been trained to live on high fructose corn syrup and low calorie ranch dressing. we have the worst diets and lifestyles and we theres a reason for that. population control

what it boils down too is that when you think about it. TV radio and even the internet werent made for our entertainment. they were made to help control the masses

I agree with most of what is said here...but the internet cannot be used as a medium to control the thoughts of others...it is not censured and although there are those with ulterior motives. You have a choice on the internet...you don't with TV or Radio....why do you think the Chinese Govt. has total control of internet content...hmmm....I wonder?????


Well-Known Member
It's all happening the EU is trying to ratify what they are passing off as a Constitution- that is scary!! Thankfully the Irish people opposed it. They'll sneak it through again I am sure.

Oh and Bush passed a bill which will create the same type of North American Union (to include Canada and Mexico).

This shit is scary and it is happening and there are things we can do about it educate everyone you know!!!! Those that get pissed will do something about it and leaders will emerge and movements will be formed and we may die at the hands of our own government protecting our civil liberties, but at least we can fight for that which is innate and a God-given right and not be left to live as slaves.

Our Fore-Fathers would be proud!!

Check out Aaron Russo's movie "Freeedom To Fascism"

Go to Google: Type in: Aaron Russo Movie - it should be the seventh entry down, a google video director's version- ENJOY!!

Freedom to fascism was a great movie. Have you seen "One nation under siege"? That's also a great movie detailing where we're heading. The Security and prosperity partnership (SPP) is real, and alot of people don't even know about it. I had a conversation with my cousin last week about the SPP/NAU and he replied "It would be a good idea, we're all so close anyway...it only makes sense for us to be one." I was blown away, but this is probably how alot of people think. It's sad that people are willing to accept this. Shit scares the hell out of me. We're being sold off as stock to the highest bidder.


Well-Known Member

I agree with most of what is said here...but the internet cannot be used as a medium to control the thoughts of others...it is not censured and although there are those with ulterior motives. You have a choice on the internet...you don't with TV or Radio....why do you think the Chinese Govt. has total control of internet content...hmmm....I wonder?????
not used as a medium to control others but the biggest and fastest form of spreading lies and propaganda. it is uncensored that what makes us lured to it even more. theres so much crap on the internet you dont know what to believe.
the internet is still a huge medium for propaganda.. the biggest actually thats why its called world wide web. notice how its called a web too.


New Member
And yet freedom of choice is still ours. Freedom to watch tv, or not. Freedom to surf the web, or not. Freedom to eat McDonalds, or not. Freedom to drink coke, or not. When it is only, or not, will you be any happier? Will humans be better off? We both know the answer, so live well and prosper, or not. But quit bitchin. Until we have leather or dirt left as a choice of meals, SHUT THE FUCK UP, or not.


Well-Known Member
wait until another "terrorist" attack happens.
Have you guys checked this out? This was a real deal! Some people say another guy( Bill Cooper) predicted 911 before Alex Jones did, but regardless, you need to check this out!!!

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

Than it makes you wonder if this true:cry:

YouTube - Alex Jones-Death of the Internet "The Facts" Part 1of 4

YouTube - Alex Jones Death Of The Internet "The Facts" Part 2 of 4

YouTube - Alex Jones- Death of the Internet "The Facts" Part 3of 4

YouTube - Alex Jones- Death of the Internet "The Facts" Part 4 of 4




Well-Known Member
no bitching here i love how people are blind to the truth and let their govt walk all over them


Well-Known Member
I choose "not"...One of the most galvanizing moments in my life that turned me against this government was when the "Men in Black" from the Fed came to my company and forced us, under penalty, to incorporate equipment into our CO (Central Office) so that they can perform wiretaps and monitor internet traffic, at their whim if they so desire without a warrant, all in the name of CALEA, FISA, and Homeland Security. Our freedoms are insidiously being eroded.


Well-Known Member

OR NOT!!!!:mrgreen:.............

The best way to spread truth is to talk about it and share it with our friends. I will not "SHUT THE FUCK UP"! A TRUTH revolution is what is needed (and what is taking place!!).




Well-Known Member
we are able to make small minute choices. conservatives always fail to see the bigger picture. thats why our country is in shambles.. conservatives. its funny how prior to the year 2000 this country was a strong great country. then when conservatives came in.. down the hill we went see if u can choose to walk into a govt meeting or stand in front of congress. see if u can choose to spread new organized peaceful religion around in public. see if you can choose to grow any plant you want too and just go give it to the public for free. see if u can choose to protect yourself when the shit really hits the fan..


Well-Known Member
god? whos god? your man made falsified scam of a god which we have been forcefed to believe our whole lives with the threat of eternal damnation. screw your god.


Well-Known Member
So you do see..........we all still have choice. Thank god for it, or not.
So you haven't seen this yet then? YouTube - Alex Jones-Death of the Internet "The Facts" Part 1of 4

we are able to make small minute choices. conservatives always fail to see the bigger picture. thats why our country is in shambles.. conservatives. its funny how prior to the year 2000 this country was a strong great country. then when conservatives came in.. down the hill we went see if u can choose to walk into a govt meeting or stand in front of congress. see if u can choose to spread new organized peaceful religion around in public. see if you can choose to grow any plant you want too and just go give it to the public for free. see if u can choose to protect yourself when the shit really hits the fan..
BUSH was a poser... He claims to be a Christian and conservative but I believe he is NOT! What kind of "conservative Christian" would do that atrocities that he did? HE IS A FAKE! A true conservative is better than a liberal, in my honest opinion.

A conservative is more of a constitutionalist- a person that follows the GREAT laws that our forefathers put down in the US constitution. Which is a good thing, because the more we sway from our constitution, the more we get focked by our gov't.




New Member
we are able to make small minute choices. conservatives always fail to see the bigger picture. thats why our country is in shambles.. conservatives. its funny how prior to the year 2000 this country was a strong great country. then when conservatives came in.. down the hill we went see if u can choose to walk into a govt meeting or stand in front of congress. see if u can choose to spread new organized peaceful religion around in public. see if you can choose to grow any plant you want too and just go give it to the public for free. see if u can choose to protect yourself when the shit really hits the fan..
So go do the dishes....clean your bathroom.....mow the yard...attend to your "small minute choices". (I bet your a sloB..)