nyc diesel

well i chopped my diesel and boy was she loaded. off of ten branches i got 176 grams dry been jarred for to days now and this stuff is bomb the high seems to last for ever. im filling my room with these babies .not bad for one lone seed i was gifted glad i took some clones.
happy gardening


Well-Known Member
hey turbo glad 2 hear you did so good sour diesel didnt perform for me [at least the yield] what light ,method,& nutes did you use??? i didnt have a way to post pics for a long time & then had to have my kid teach me how post pics . congrats on your grow h.h.


Well-Known Member
i've got NYPD a few weeks away from harvest...

one of my colas is 15" tall and so thick I cant wrap both of my hands around it and touch my hands together...yeah, it's that big...

Not to mention the smell and tichomes are both amazing...


Well-Known Member
i got 2 soma nyc diesel had one male collected pollen from it and dumped it my girls are in soil under a 250w hps and a 250w mh they get rotated and switch places every weeek i use organics mix of diff shit and a uvb in week 5 1/2 of a 10 week flower term looking great other then i just hacked some fans off they look good to me an outrageous plant color vigor it has get up and grow to spare i cant wait to taste it well later good grow to all

one love