Nycd ryder, bubblelicious new grow

mr west

Well-Known Member
I think it would be a waste of time as there is no veggin state its a 1 hit plant which cant be suspended in a veggative state as with 12/12 strains. all u would get is a bud that u would of got anyway. It might be good to do if u get lots of branches to give it a better chance of developing.


Active Member
Alrite ill just let mother nature do her thing and save some trouble. Thanks for the tips man. I had one of my three sprout today, so it looks like they will be harvested in time for next semester:blsmoke: I think im gonna start some more in a couple weeks considering the low yield. I got them on 20/4 and i spray the top soil with a spray bottle. Just enough to keep it from being too dry. Ill get some pics up when they are a little further along.
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mr west

Well-Known Member
just start a new thread in the grow journal section in the grow room section of the forum. Good luck

mr west

Well-Known Member
if u look in my gallery u will see some or u will have to wait 9 and a half weeks for some more as its been smoked. I finished the last bud on thursday night, an ounce and a half lasted me 3 weeks lol i gave a mate an 8th too lol. cant wait for the next lot i shall be breeding if i get a male.

mr west

Well-Known Member
One of my fave cartoons as a kid. Yeah cant wait for the G13 nl/skunk cross gonnna be megga. Darr da darrr da dd darrrr! Sings theme tune to Battle of the Planets.
Gettin ready for so big G's


Active Member
hey folks!! just about to start my first ever grow with some dieselryders. only problem is i'm not sure on what lights to use. have access to 2x250 watts metal halide aquarium lights but i have read that cos they emit light mainly in the blue spectrum they are only really good for the start of the grow and not too hot for the old flowering stage. anyone know how true this is and would i get away with these lights for the whole grow period. any help greatly welcomed!! good luck and od speed to all growers!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey folks!! just about to start my first ever grow with some dieselryders. only problem is i'm not sure on what lights to use. have access to 2x250 watts metal halide aquarium lights but i have read that cos they emit light mainly in the blue spectrum they are only really good for the start of the grow and not too hot for the old flowering stage. anyone know how true this is and would i get away with these lights for the whole grow period. any help greatly welcomed!! good luck and od speed to all growers!!!!!
Welcome to the forum you just hijacked your first thread with your very first post...metal halide is good for flowering but you could use it all the way through...


Active Member
thanks dude!! iv tried to find out as much as i can about growin and am findin it difficult to distinguish between all the methods which will be the best for me. best to ask ppl that have a few grows under their belt. wether it goes right or wrong 4 me its all a learning experience.

mr west

Well-Known Member
im gonna do a pair of dlrs under my 250w mh on 18/6 cycle, ill let u know how they get on in a few months lol. good luck my friend.


Active Member
thanx. thats the recommended light cycle that iv seen on many a site and the one i was goin to try. kinda apprehensive about startin cos i dont want to waste my time and money to fall flat on my face. seeds arrived today so i should be startin them in a week or so if i go through with it jus now. fortune favours the brave i suppose. good luck wit your grow and i'll be tryin to keep a journal on here when i start. tally ho!!!