Active Member
Anyone ever tried cloning lowryders???
hey, looks.......emptyheres some pics of my veg room without the forest of ww clones and my 5 seeds and seedlings and 1 bub clone.
yeah, me too man....coz i was interested in these too many G's
Welcome to the forum you just hijacked your first thread with your very first post...metal halide is good for flowering but you could use it all the way through...hey folks!! just about to start my first ever grow with some dieselryders. only problem is i'm not sure on what lights to use. have access to 2x250 watts metal halide aquarium lights but i have read that cos they emit light mainly in the blue spectrum they are only really good for the start of the grow and not too hot for the old flowering stage. anyone know how true this is and would i get away with these lights for the whole grow period. any help greatly welcomed!! good luck and od speed to all growers!!!!!