Whats up my ninjas?
These girls taken from their 3 mini mothers, who will hopefully be my summer smoke

lookin good so far. They seem to have stalled in their flowering a little... but may or may not be because Ive been cutting early samples since I ran out of smoke 2 weeks ago...

They'll become mothers themselves before I put them out to do their thing mid/late November, thats plan-A anyway...
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These are the runts that didnt make the cut so they sleep outside where they are they dont get the extra light that the girls get at night. They'll be used at a test site or two ive been scoping... tbc. Got a few watermelon sprouts and some other herbs like basil, chives, pyrethrum, to add to the garden too.
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Funny story - I guerilla planted out a couple of thornless rasberry clones near one of my spots to help deter people who might mistakenly think they had thorns.

Plus I may end up with a harvest of rasberries!!!!

Not sure how they'll do... stay tuned
Next update... The girls all get a haircut... hey presto 40-50 new little girls... all homeless and needing to find new homes.
See you then