nz backyard grow!!!

Pages 15&16 say it all! What a great job. I'm hoping for a harvest around april myself and it it is anything like this i'm a happy man :bigjoint:

Congrats :clap: That musta been the most ickiest stickiest tastiest smoke eva :eyesmoke:

this is going to my first outdoor grow and i have 97 seeds. I'll appreciate all the help i could get or just come by and check my grow journal out and subscribe. see how everything turns out for my gorilla grow!
this is going to my first outdoor grow and i have 97 seeds. I'll appreciate all the help i could get or just come by and check my grow journal out and subscribe. see how everything turns out for my gorilla grow!

WTF!!!!!!! Dude, you're posting the same fucking post in every thread I go in man! :\
Its getting real old realllll quick :|
Stop with the fucking SPAMMING Bullshit!!