NZ Greenhouse Indica Clones 2010/2011 Season!


Active Member
This is a feeding schedule if anyone was interested what im feeding my girls and in what amounts

24/12/10 - 2.5ml/L Guano Super Grow, 0.5ml/L Earth Juice Microblast, 0.5ml/L Earth Juice Catalyst
30/12/10 - Water
04/01/11 - 4ml/L Guano Super Grow
09/01/11 - Water
13/01/11 - 4ml/L Guano Super Grow, 1ml/L Earth Juice Microblast, 1ml/L Earth Juice Catalyst

Next time will be plain water, then 5ml/L of super grow, then a flush and then start using the flower nutes :)
I always alternate everytime between nutrient solution and plain water

All my water and nutrient solutions is adjusted to 6.5-6.8 PH :leaf:


Active Member
sweet cheers gota get me some of that guano super grow some time (and maybe test my ph)
How do you flush your plants? Ive talked to different people and they seemed to all have a different idea of how to flush or what flushing is.

your up late


Active Member
It's recommended to give water 3 times the volume of your pot and I have 18 litre pots.. but I will probably just give around 30 litres (3 watering cans) of plain water per pot depending on how lazy im feeling lol because i cant reach a hose inside there.
I let my water sit in a drum for 48 hrs before using it so all the chlorine evaporates but I know alot of soil growers who never bother about letting their water sit or PHing their water and have no problems as long as you use a good soil mix

Been sitting up talking to friends over msn lol but im bout to hit the sack just gonna spark up a joint before i go, Goodnite! :bigjoint:


Active Member

yea vid looks sweet. That is wicked greenhouse even got power have you lifted your plants to try get them closer to the sun?


Active Member
Cheers Throbba! I'm seeing some preflowers now! :)

I lifted them as high as i could on the platform/on top of other pots as there is much more light by the roof than down low. Only problem is that its very hot and there is leaf damage caused by heat stress...
Last year I had a hybrid strain (white rhino) that i left on the floor from seed and they stretched like yours from the floor to the roof becoming around 5-6 feet tall and only producing good buds near the top and 'popcorn' buds down low :shock:
I'm also thinking of lining the plywood walls with some panda film to reflect some light onto them :hump:


Active Member
White on 1 side (around 75-90% reflective), black on the other side hence the name "panda" since pandas r white nd black lol. The silver film is called mylar and reflects more light (around 97% reflective) but is also more expensive. I think panda film is better to buy because its about 6mm thick, easier to use and washable so you can reuse it. Mylar is only 1mm thick or 2mm thick if you get the expensive stuff and rips easily and is non washable. Mirrors and tin foil are crap for reflecting light (tin foil only about 50% reflective and when creased only about 35% and causes hot spots), also if you want to just paint your walls white use a matte paint (around 80% reflective) as glossy paint bounces light back in the wrong directions and causes hot spots.

Flat white paint or panda film are probably the easiest ways to have a reflective grow room with low maintenance and no hot spots :)


Active Member
I fired up the 400watt HPS lights with adjust "A" wing shades last year just to test it (have agro and standard bulbs) but the whole place lit up like an orange lighthouse haha looks way suspicious especially when the copper chopper comes over so its just too risky to use grow lights :-(
I did start my seedlings last year under a 4 foot fluro in there tho but thats white light..
I also have some Super Skunk seeds so Im going to build a small wooden box that will be around LxWxH 800x500x1000 and just use 2 foot fluros or possibly these new fluros they sell at SOG > but the 250watt version, just to veg or even clone in and then flower with sunlight in the main room to see if I can pull a winter harvest :-P
My friend gave me his heat mat which is like 1 metre x 300mm or something that you put the pots on and it warms to 10C above air temperature to keep roots warm in winter.
With such low light levels in winter Im not expecting much but Im keen to give it a go and see what happens :)