O M G HELP!!! guns and weed felony need help!


Active Member
Quote Dustinv420: cops roll up search us and we both happen to be clean but i admitted i was there to buy some weed after the dealer told them ( i think he was a snitch). anyways to sum it up they want me to snitch on other people.

I hate to be the one to point this out but you just snitched on your dealer. Most likely he didn't say shit and the cops told you he did. They will lie to you and say anything you want to hear for you to incriminate yourself or anyone else. The best thing you can do when the cops ask anything is to STFU. Like everyone else said if they has anything on you they would have charged you not told you that you would be charged. Don't fall for their scare tactics. Never talk to cops with out a lawyer.


Well-Known Member
In most states its illegal to own a gun if you've been "convicted" of a felony. Of course it's not too hard to get a conviction if you're rolling over to give them information. Loose lips sink ships and sounds like your boat has a HUGE hole in it.


Well-Known Member
where abouts you from man?

I might be able to help..

msg me if you want.. if not.. then that's your loss not mine. ;)

seriously.. msg me.


Active Member
first call a lawyer.then contact everyone in your phone and let them know cops may be on too them.next when the cops come callin (whitch i suspect they wont cus they aint got shit on you)tell them to fuck off.oh and dont use your phone to warn your friends.and maybe its time to get a new phone.