o shite emergency!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Start over, trust me in the early stages NOTHING should go wrong. As the plant matures, these things can happen but now so early. Moreover, if its a male just kill it.


Active Member
Ah I see, haha sorry took what you said too literally. I say keep this one, no need to kill it unless it dies on its own. Just start another one next to it.


Well-Known Member
Please know what your talking about before you make such false statements e.g.( A seed's sex is already determined by how the seed was formed.) go study botany and horticulture PLEASE. Any marijuana seed created from a regular breeding program has the potential to be male or female the environment it is reared in determines the male female ratio unless the seeds have been altered in some fashion to show differentiated traits e.g.(feminized)
Sakamoto and various co-authors[70][71] have used RAPD to isolate several genetic marker sequences that they name Male-Associated DNA in Cannabis (MADC), and which they interpret as indirect evidence of a male chromosome. Several other research groups have reported identification of male-associated markers using RAPD and AFLP.[24][48][72] Ainsworth commented on these findings, stating,
"It is not surprising that male-associated markers are relatively abundant. In dioecious plants where sex chromosomes have not been identified, markers for maleness indicate either the presence of sex chromosomes which have not been distinguished by cytological methods or that the marker is tightly linked to a gene involved in sex determination.[56]"
Environmental sex determination is known to occur in a variety of species.[73] Many researchers have suggested that sex in Cannabis is determined or strongly influenced by environmental factors.[62] Ainsworth reviews that treatment with auxin and ethylene have feminizing effects, and that treatment with cytokinins and gibberellins have masculinizing effects.[56] It has been reported that sex can be reversed in Cannabis using chemical treatment.[74] A PCR-based method for the detection of female-associated DNA polymorphisms by genotyping has been developed.[75]

Notice how they said OR strongly influenced? To think that certain seeds aren't male or female is fairly ridiculous to me if the only variable you have to determine sex is environment. If that were true, in theory, there would be no use for feminized seeds as you could easily create a microclimate suitable for all male or female production. Instead, you germinate 20 non feminized seeds & give or take 1 or 2 plants 10 will be male & 10 will be female. Please give me a better explanation if you have one, I'm willing to learn. I think maybe you were jumping the gun somewhat on my semantics.

To the poster, sorry to hijack your thread, just trying to help.