Oaksterdam University!


Active Member
I have such a pasion for marajanna. All types smoking it, cooking with it, growing it and exc..........

I hope to one day to try and be a proud owner of a medical despensary.

This University how so many classes you can take such as simple indoor/outdoor marajanna growing, cooking with it, learning the difference between state and federal laws, civic legal rights, the science of cannabis and economic shit.

I am really considering going to this university, as for what classes i dont know so many to choose from.

I think the price range is pretty fair from what iv seen so far. As for housing while your going to school im not sure and still looking into it.

Has anyone had experience from this university? If you have please let me know what your thoughts and learning experience has been...

Feel free to FREELY disscuss. I would love that.!:bigjoint::bigjoint:



Oaksterdam U. , the program at U of Michigan, and others will be popping up soon. This is a sign of times to come.

It is a good idea to get to know about all the laws being created right now. That is what I would focus on while there, especially if you want to open a dispensary in the future.

It will give you the nec. skills to keep records and grow more scientifically. Definitely a plus for novices with no other options for help.

I have not been nor do I know anyone who has gone. I have only done research and have about 10 years in the local grow community of exp.

Good Luck:-P


Active Member
Oaksterdam U. , the program at U of Michigan, and others will be popping up soon. This is a sign of times to come.

It is a good idea to get to know about all the laws being created right now. That is what I would focus on while there, especially if you want to open a dispensary in the future.

It will give you the nec. skills to keep records and grow more scientifically. Definitely a plus for novices with no other options for help.

I have not been nor do I know anyone who has gone. I have only done research and have about 10 years in the local grow community of exp.

Good Luck:-P
Yeah im excited, i know i will learn so much TRUE things & not have to worrie about if the person is right or not ( like this website) lol.


Active Member
Probably ganna go to the North Bay campus here in sebastopol.:-P
o ok so your in cali. Im prolly going to the one in Oakland but still not even sure yet.

do you have a medical mj card? only reason y im askin is because recenly d.c. passed a bill on medical mj, abotions, n sumthing else and im from there. It still has a couple more people to pass the vote before it gets to obama, but if it does we will be legalized!!!!!!!!


o ok so your in cali. Im prolly going to the one in Oakland but still not even sure yet.

do you have a medical mj card? only reason y im askin is because recenly d.c. passed a bill on medical mj, abotions, n sumthing else and im from there. It still has a couple more people to pass the vote before it gets to obama, but if it does we will be legalized!!!!!!!!
:joint::joint:Yeah I was born and raised here. Got my 215 and love to go to peace in medicine! I'm really glad they opened a oaksterdam campus there!:joint::joint: