So weird - I recall you saying that you didm;t have respect for women and you wanted to choked them and kill them or something.
Hey, I don't know you. I'm not for labelling just anyone as "rapie". But you sir, have given off that vibe from day 1. Probably because the first thread I read that you created talked about either paying or drugging for sex.
AND - do you really think hookers like you? Sure, they're probably stoked that you are not a 500 lb Asian man when they're "hanging out"/ getting paid to hang out with you. But they would still have a dick in their ass regardless of who it is - because they are being PAID to be there.
You get that, right? And also that it's fucking creepy.
Bragging on the internet about paying poor young girls who were probably forced into the sex trade industry because there were no other opportunities available to them, is gross. Ooooh that's awesome bro, you paid 300 bucks for 2 HUMANS for 48 hours? WOW. I really hope you got your monies worth...
Fucking gross.