Oatmeal Thread

Im guessing "solidified tears, smegma", and other detailed descriptions of vitriolic homoerotica is more socially acceptable here.

Not that anything's wrong with that. My best friend is a lez.
I got diddled while i played my fiddle.
My little finger shoved in the middle.

Bones are not brittle
So i make stupid riddles.

Found some more oaymeal in the cubby. Yelllow kindView attachment 3398083
Has your brain really been perforated by drugs and stds so badly that you dont know where to find friends bra? What part of we dont like you dont you get? Im pretty sure everyone here hopes your penis falls off while your waiting for the bus tommorow coming down from whatever bathtub drugs your on. Feel free to die anytime :):):)
Has your brain really been perforated by drugs and stds so badly that you dont know where to find friends bra? What part of we dont like you dont you get? Im pretty sure everyone here hopes your penis falls off while your waiting for the bus tommorow coming down from whatever bathtub drugs your on. Feel free to die anytime :):):)
I don't wish death on anyone. Unless he REALLY is a sex offender, in which case I would wish him to be raped.

I talk about some pretty gross shit. But when he does it, I don't know.

Off the top of my head I am recalling him talking about not being able to respect a woman when he is fucking them, fucking retarded people, drugging or paying women for sex, wanting to be in porn, taking super gay shirts off selfies whilst flexing and posting them every chance he gets, talking about sex acts IN DETAIL when no one wants to hear it, promoting no condoms although he has sex with prostitutes....

Oh, and every time he talks to me I check the locks on my house, just in case...
Oatmeal homie
I'm actually a good decent guy with things. I spoke to my friend today. She said that mu sexual aggression could be unhealthy. I dont want to pang women. That is bad. The thought is bad. I don't want to be baf. Rapie ppl are not cool. Never wanted to do that stuff. Hey WTF are u labeling me a rapist. Hats not real. Really cannot believe this shit. Have many female friends. Crackhead

Oatmeal ,#
Oatmeal homie
I'm actually a good decent guy with things. I spoke to my friend today. She said that mu sexual aggression could be unhealthy. I dont want to pang women. That is bad. The thought is bad. I don't want to be baf. Rapie ppl are not cool. Never wanted to do that stuff. Hey WTF are u labeling me a rapist. Hats not real. Really cannot believe this shit. Have many female friends. Crackhead

Oatmeal ,#
im actually a decent guy who wants to drug women and have sex with them. Ok then, gottcha. ;)
Oatmeal homie
I'm actually a good decent guy with things. I spoke to my friend today. She said that mu sexual aggression could be unhealthy. I dont want to pang women. That is bad. The thought is bad. I don't want to be baf. Rapie ppl are not cool. Never wanted to do that stuff. Hey WTF are u labeling me a rapist. Hats not real. Really cannot believe this shit. Have many female friends. Crackhead

Oatmeal ,#
So weird - I recall you saying that you didm;t have respect for women and you wanted to choked them and kill them or something.

Hey, I don't know you. I'm not for labelling just anyone as "rapie". But you sir, have given off that vibe from day 1. Probably because the first thread I read that you created talked about either paying or drugging for sex.

AND - do you really think hookers like you? Sure, they're probably stoked that you are not a 500 lb Asian man when they're "hanging out"/ getting paid to hang out with you. But they would still have a dick in their ass regardless of who it is - because they are being PAID to be there.

You get that, right? And also that it's fucking creepy.

Bragging on the internet about paying poor young girls who were probably forced into the sex trade industry because there were no other opportunities available to them, is gross. Ooooh that's awesome bro, you paid 300 bucks for 2 HUMANS for 48 hours? WOW. I really hope you got your monies worth...

Fucking gross.
That's like saying "I'm not racist, my best friend is black"
Perhaps. Your argumentative disposition has dissuaded me to recant my original statement. A more befitting defense would be that those in my social circle would vehemently object to my being falsely labeled a sexual predator.

Oh tmeal
Perhaps. Your argumentative disposition has dissuaded me to recant my original statement. A more befitting defense would be that those in my social circle would vehemently object to my being falsely labeled a sexual predator.

Oh tmeal
Stop talking like a fucking thesaurus you sound like a tool.

I guess this is where I'm supposed to rectify my actions and clear my name or correct your exaggerations. How cliche.
NAw. Just don't ask me anymore why I say you give off a rapie vibe. Now you know...
So weird - I recall you saying that you didm;t have respect for women and you wanted to choked them and kill them or something.

Hey, I don't know you. I'm not for labelling just anyone as "rapie". But you sir, have given off that vibe from day 1. Probably because the first thread I read that you created talked about either paying or drugging for sex.

AND - do you really think hookers like you? Sure, they're probably stoked that you are not a 500 lb Asian man when they're "hanging out"/ getting paid to hang out with you. But they would still have a dick in their ass regardless of who it is - because they are being PAID to be there.

You get that, right? And also that it's fucking creepy.

Bragging on the internet about paying poor young girls who were probably forced into the sex trade industry because there were no other opportunities available to them, is gross. Ooooh that's awesome bro, you paid 300 bucks for 2 HUMANS for 48 hours? WOW. I really hope you got your monies worth...

Fucking gross.
I guess this is where I'm supposed to rectify my actions and clear my name or correct your exaggerations. How cliche.
So weird - I recall you saying that you didm;t have respect for women and you wanted to choked them and kill them or something.

Hey, I don't know you. I'm not for labelling just anyone as "rapie". But you sir, have given off that vibe from day 1. Probably because the first thread I read that you created talked about either paying or drugging for sex.

AND - do you really think hookers like you? Sure, they're probably stoked that you are not a 500 lb Asian man when they're "hanging out"/ getting paid to hang out with you. But they would still have a dick in their ass regardless of who it is - because they are being PAID to be there.

You get that, right? And also that it's fucking creepy.

Bragging about paying poor young girls who were probably forced into the sex trade industry because there were no other opportunities available to them on the internet, it gross. Ooooh that's awesome bro, you paid 300 bucks for 2 HUMANS for 48 hours? WOW. I really hope you got your monies worth...

Fucking gross.
Ya, ya, thats not really me yessica. Im a good guy deepdown, i have emotions, if you cut me do i not bleed? So I banged a bunch a hookers one time and try to roofie chicks but im still human. Ppffffttt! Rapie shlong hooker lover.