1.) I agree with you.
2.) I think since Obama could not have possibly gotten elected without "white" support, the "pro" white groups are a minority (ironic?

), so no. Obama kind of proves MOST white people are past that stage.
3.) I agree. MJ is the way to crack open the door. How far it is opened is still unknown, but weed definitely has medical benefits.
First off TY for the nice reply CrackerJax, I am adding this first line AFTER I typed out the whole thing since now I think it may sound a little agressive although not towards you or any other RIU member I ASSURE YOU!
I agree with you on your version of #2 BUT...just because alot or some or who knows how many whites ( I didn't follow the stats on votes) and I'm not even entirely sure they release that...I'm sure they do and I just haven't cared to look but w/e.
Like I said I agree with what you said but I think that even a SMALL group of people could use and you can quote me on this "ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in there power to bring him down, If a small group starts a small ball that dashes his credibility could start a snowball effect, and with something as "hot topic" as MJ I just don't think it would be smart for him to risk it RIGHT NOW."
I'm not saying white control the voting market or anything, just saying that It's easy to talk and change RELIGION than it is laws on MJ, Even if 99% of people smoked it over 50% of them if asked in public or had to stand in front of there peers or legal authorities will act like they have NO IDEA that there is ANY benefit to MJ, and in fact LIE about useing it, having used it etc.
If presidents can still be presidents and have used COPIUS ammounts of MJ (look at bush when we was a drunk college kid)
But all he has to do is under oath say "I didn't inhale"
WHO DOESN'T INHALE!!!!??? How does that shit fly? If you didn't inhale you would not care to do it again...you would be like I did it but how lame... It didn't do shit. If anyone used MJ on a regular basis or several times during college, at some point and I'm sure All but maybe the first if we account for said person just not knowing what to do, inhaled!
If it's good enough for the pres it's good enough for the rest of the country!. Add ALL this bullcrap up and you may get my point, it's not that color/race has really anything to do with it, but as our first African American pres, he's going to have enough on his plate.
And I don't think he addressed it in detail because we didn't want reporters or whomever asking "Mr Obama in 2004 you were for decriminalization etc. why not now and when? What are your veiws? Why not just ask. What are your veiws on abortion?
Some laid back people will be for it, and some FEAR ALL types, EXTREME RELIGOUS TYPES (no not your typical church don't say SHIT about that, as I will ignore it if you say " I GO TO CHURCH" cause no shit, you and millions of other people. But I'm talking about the if you poop it means you have evil in you type religious groups... They are out there, although not as uncommon they are just as stubborn and pushy as any other "Movement or Protest group" and they will lie and cheat and whatever they have to in order to get there voice heard and something done about it...Even if it may not work or anyone even care. I'd rather NOT have these types looking over my shoulder and ney-saying everything I did, or run me out of office.
Banning Ciggarettes that contain POSIONS and market to children should be near the top of the list, but because millions of the Monies earned by say "marlboro" end up helping people get elected... I don't mean bribe so much as Campaign money, advertisment money, etc. But I'm sure it's a you scratch my back I'll scratch yours kinda thing. But since it's been in effect FOR YEARS! It's going to be hard to win w/o at least SOME support from said "investors."
And if he were to ban ciggarettes containing poison then he would probably be assasinated the next day because the multi-billion dollar man behind the tobacco industry would just have to "fix" the problem. (don't get me wrong I have nothing against tobacco, but it does not need to contain arsnic and rat poison...) Personally I don't have the guts to stand in front of a whole nation and tell them what they are doing wrong...Try telling ANYONE that they veiws are wrong...go into a classroom and take a survey or something...there will be for-against and then third party (likes both, can't decide, or doesn't care) now times that class by millions!
One last thing, Sorry for the REALLY long post I got carried away typeing and

I'm not in any way ANY kind of activist and this post is not to change ANYONE's veiws, just throwing my thoughts and opinions out there to share.