Hope, or Joke?
You got me wrong... read again.. ofc i know what is martial law... and its coming to USA after few false flag op.. Anarchy is much more then just street people to take over... dont use the word if you dont know what it means...What you are talking about is not anarchy, it's called martial law. Do you know what martial law is? Anarchy is a state where there is no law, the people on the streets take over.
Obama should get an strain named after himand if he did what would it be like {some one should make an obama strain}i would buy
"yes i inhaled, that was the point"-Obama [the ant- Christ has come] jk lol
Are you trying to make me look stupid or something? Want an actual definition? Here it is as it was taken from the Webster's dictionary.You got me wrong... read again.. ofc i know what is martial law... and its coming to USA after few false flag op.. Anarchy is much more then just street people to take over... dont use the word if you dont know what it means...
Anarchy (from Greek: ἀναρχία anarchía, "without ruler") hell it defines itself.
Martial Law: the body of law imposed by the military over civilian affairs (usually in time of war or civil crisis); overrides civil law
just to clarify
Ok, I'm confused, who are you talking to on these posts? I used the term "anarchy" to simply disavow the leaders...You see.. when I hear Anarchy being thrown around, the common 'definition' or what people associate with the correct definition drives me nuts. Anarchy was originally a term to be used when government was not a necessirt (as I have learned it). Like the F.U.B.U lol, for us by us. People supported the people, not a chaotic, psycho, hell of lawlessness and such.
Well you look stupid in my eyes... We can all go to "ture" wikipedia and copy paste shit... im still asking Do you really know what is TRUE anarchy?Are you trying to make me look stupid or something? Want an actual definition? Here it is as it was taken from the Webster's dictionary.
Main Entry: an·ar·chy
Pronunciation: \ˈa-nər-kē, -ˌnär-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from anarchos having no ruler, from an- + archos ruler more at arch-
Date: 1539
1 a : absence of government b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order b : absence of order : disorder <not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature Israel Shenker>
In other words as per the second meaning, is when 'the people of the streets take over'. Look man, get off the cloud and join the rest of us would you kindly?
Well i wouldnt be so sure... recording the esoteric history of it...Ok, I'm confused, who are you talking to on these posts? I used the term "anarchy" to simply disavow the leaders...
LMAO! It was not Wiki, it was Webster's... why would you need a better explanation than what the dictionary says? I know you are trying to prove a point and make me look bad but you might end up looking just as stupid I do you.Well you look stupid in my eyes... We can all go to "ture" wikipedia and copy paste shit... im still asking Do you really know what is TRUE anarchy?
We can start that is the way of life... not formed for the risistance of the goverments.... So i ask you again do you know or do you think you know? and dont copypaste again.
I wasn't even talking to you, I was talking to Shepj.Well i wouldnt be so sure... recording the esoteric history of it...
I guess you can call it my words... define leader?
not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature = Metaphor for people with no leaders. This does not imply that they are chaotic or 'wild'. Tell me, where in the #2 definition does it say anything negative about the behavior of the people? This is Webster's definition mind you, it's official.You see.. when I hear Anarchy being thrown around, the common 'definition' or what people associate with the correct definition drives me nuts. Anarchy was originally a term to be used when government was not a necessirt (as I have learned it). Like the F.U.B.U lol, for us by us. People supported the people, not a chaotic, psycho, hell of lawlessness and such.
LMAO! It was not Wiki, it was Webster's... why would you need a better explanation than what the dictionary says? I know you are trying to prove a point and make me look bad but you might end up looking just as stupid I do you.
So let me rephrase that:
"The truth is that the people don't control the Government anymore and won't until 'we kick everyone in office out and destroy all of the branches and old roots, then,' anarchy takes over".
Like I said, you're trying to make me look stupid. Why? The common way most everyone uses anarchy now in days is that way I originally typed it. Some people still use the word in it's original context but that's like comparing the word shit to "ship high in transit". Anarchy in the modern world is truly non existent except in places like Africa and Afghanistan and for the rest of the world it is still non existent, this is why we use the word to describe the ultimate goal. I'm not going to sit there and give you a step by step on what we have to do (even though I just did).
I wasn't even talking to you, I was talking to Shepj.
If you don't know who our leaders are... you are lost
Oh, and this is the last time I touch this subject with you
not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature = Metaphor for people with no leaders. This does not imply that they are chaotic or 'wild'. Tell me, where in the #2 definition does it say anything negative about the behavior of the people? This is Webster's definition mind you, it's official.
Edit: No wonder there are no major pot heads in the white house, they would all argue about the stupidest shit ever. Peace! Xeno420
Well my English is not good enuff to talk about this more deeply... i just try to put words in simple order. Never learned english in school you know...I think Charlie Green's- Estonian to English translator has been broken since the beginning of this thread, and he is just a little misinformed.
Congratulations, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to learn something on your own.Well my English is not good enuff to talk about this more deeply... i just try to put words in simple order. Never learned english in school you know...![]()