Obama DEA 610% more Federal Indictments for MJ and ~50% more possesion charges


Well-Known Member
he never said he would. no drama obama has always expressed desire for decriminalization, which i find completely stupid.

look forward to this in term two: obama pushes back against the policy that prevents those convicted of possession from receiving aid for education.

that's the extent of what he will do. stoners are too easy of a political target, but the guise of education is a great excuse.
So Obama does nothing...and you's all lap it up.

I'm surprised you've time to type with his balls in your mouth all the time, that's some good multitasking bro!

Obama 2012 "I didn't legalise that..."
Who's in the White House holding supreme power over his cabinet? Barack Obama. Why are you guys still arguing over our 1 party system, What about the Green Party, and Jill Stein.