Obama Disapproval Rating Nears Record High


Well-Known Member
You are capable of getting drunk by slamming 12 beers..

Why dont you go do that and put yourself out of our misery...
i only got through 7 last night.

who ever heard of celebrating a nice harvest, especially the first harvest out of a new grow room?

i know that, as a republican, you object to the idea of fun, or celebration, or sex (unless it is closeted homosexual sex with a rentboy or catholic kiddy diddling), but the rest of us in the real world enjoy a nice libation when the culmination of our efforts pays off.

you still saving that bottle of coors light from last year, waiting for christie to give you good reason to crack it open and celebrate?



Well-Known Member
Sorry see4, I have to agree with NLXSK1

It would be different if UncleBuck just voiced his opinions but you know he goes far beyond that.
He try's his best to ridicule people for their opinion, it doesn't set well for many on this board to have a big mouth antagonizing little asshole telling people how to run their life and how their tax dollars should be spent the way he sees fit when he admittedly pays zero.

just keeping it real
Only the rarest stupidity is even worthy of attention. I call it self singling. This is, and has always been a target rich environment for the grade A, Number 1 Prime brain farts.

Welcome to the first level.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i only got through 7 last night.

who ever heard of celebrating a nice harvest, especially the first harvest out of a new grow room?

i know that, as a republican, you object to the idea of fun, or celebration, or sex (unless it is closeted homosexual sex with a rentboy or catholic kiddy diddling), but the rest of us in the real world enjoy a nice libation when the culmination of our efforts pays off.

you still saving that bottle of coors light from last year, waiting for christie to give you good reason to crack it open and celebrate?

but bucky, you have yet to send obama his 2 beers, you must remit two beers before april 15 or face extensive penalties.

after all...

You Didn't Grow That.


Well-Known Member
um, aren't you dead?
Guess I got what I deserved
Kept you waiting there too long my love.
All that time without a word
Didn't know you'd think that I'd forget
Or I'd regret the special love I have for you -
My Baby Blue