Obama does it again Big brother fines


Well-Known Member
Noob please read more than what your professors put in front of you to read, try the Federalist Papers, try a dictionary that was written with the meaning of the words when they were written. For God's sake and the sake of our REPUBLIC which is not mob rule and you will begin to understand the concept of how our country was founded. Democracies have never worked and can never work because of the nature of people, once they learn they can obtain a free lunch via the ballot box the country is doomed, period. Read history, study history and please if your college taught you anything of value I hope it taught you how to learn, to research and how to look at competing sides of an issue. Now for your dictionary try reading a few dictionaries published at the time of the writing of the words you want to examine, you will find that a the two forms of government are not the same.
Government school is the fastest way known to man for us to become Marxist or at the very least socialists. Read Karl Marx and see what he has to say about government education. Everyone better wake up soon because as of now 51% of the people pay no income tax and they will continue to vote for the people willing to give them more, once that happens the country is finished, period. Happy with Obama, not happy either get involved for a solution or do what I did, I got my assets out of the country along with myself while I still had what I worked for all my life.
Thank God we are a REPUBLIC.
Are you replying to my post, or just going off on an unrelated, unconnected tangent?

Or are you misinterpreting it, as me giving my support to such an insane, insipid, asinine plan?


Are you replying to my post, or just going off on an unrelated, unconnected tangent?

Or are you misinterpreting it, as me giving my support to such an insane, insipid, asinine plan?
I apologize Brutal it was not directed at you, I shouldn't have included your quote oversight on my part.