Obama "firmly opposes" legalization

I am hoping someday a President will support legalization of marijuana publicly.. of course it will have to be in his or her second term! When the U.S. gets in even deeper financial trouble they will choose to control it and tax the sh*t out of it!
you'd think he'd be all for it based on this,


to bad he IS a bold face liar
The govt needs to stop letting the pharmaceutical companies run the country. Let hemp replace cotton, and oil, and if people use it instead of man made medicines, so be it.

been thinking a few years we need a new amendment to constitution.. separation of corporation and state although the church and state one isn't working for shit.
need to end all the lobbyist or whatever, and companies or organizations (even non-profit) from giving politians "campaign" funds for supporting what they want.
Too bad no one has mentioned the costs of stocking and growing medical marijuana in states where it's illegal to give it out. Yeah, you heard me right.

In Illinois medical marijuana has been legal for 37-38 years...they just can't give it to the patients. Huh? Yeah. They're spending YOUR tax dollars to keep pot stocked in a room, and keep that room stocked with bud. Legalize that shit so we can get our moneys worth or i'll half-baked that shit right out of their hands.
i would be shocked to ever hear the president or anyone else who needs to worry about getting elected advocate legalization. Its too much of a sensitive subject and there are still a lot of people out there who have a fucked view of weed. Politicians are only worried about getting reelected, not doing the right thing. I think we will eventually see weed legal/decriminalized in a lot of places, but it wont be from the top down. It will be how California is trying to do it, from the bottom up through ballot intiatives.
Does anyone think that if this goes through it could possibly open the question of legalisation in other states? If not the world? Hopefull the UK will follow suit, i know we do with everything else :-)
Does anyone think that if this goes through it could possibly open the question of legalisation in other states? If not the world? Hopefull the UK will follow suit, i know we do with everything else :-)

Yes and maybe france too, here weed on a judicial level is treated like crack, coke, meth, but that would'nt happen until at least 10 years after the US does it because france has always been a slow follower.
it only makes sense to me that people from CA will start showing the impression of how great it is - if you heard that there was ice cream in Montana that was incredibly good and didn't ever make you fat, but only people in Montana could have it - you would either want to go to MT or start asking your local officials why you cannot have it.. one classroom at a school officially gets 25 minutes extra recess while the others have to run laps.. the situation won't last long..
Noone likes this guy...im a black dude from the struggle but this dude fuckin irks me 2 shit man. He dont know shit..simply put.