obama flips off mccain what a gentlman


Well-Known Member
just listen to buffalo soldier.

time to go vote then get my free coffee from starbucks(its nasty but its free coffee)

today is also harvest day yayayayayayayayayayay:hump:


Well-Known Member
just read her thesis, i put the link in the above post. It's how she seperates herself from the "Whites" in her school. A couple quotes in there make me a little uneasy.
There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost.' ......Michelle Obama


stays relevant.
After all of the trash talking Obama has dealt with, I think it's fair.

McCain is a spoiled bitch baby no matter who you vote for... It's just a fact that he's a whiny little child, and always needs to get the last word.

Even though I am not for Obama either, he has certainly dealt with negative campaigning and ridiculous bullshit during debates quite gracefully.

[15:03] <Obama> So as I was saying...
[15:03] <McCain> um... HEY! *jumps around* hey! over here! i want to say something! Obama did thiiiiis, and I'm tattling!


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, let me share something with you Jonny, I'm a Christian b/c my family was Christian and how I was raised, not how I live b/c I denounced religion as a whole because of it's hyprocicy and prejudices (not Godlike), I'm a Dem b/c when I graduated highschool that's what the registar put me as, but I have a free will that doesn't bind me to one parties general philosophy. I remember going into the voters booth w/ my grandma and saying pick him grandma, I like him......After she told my Mom who I told her to pick she was like you're a Demorcrat you don't vote for republicans (Ronald Reagan). After reading some more of your posts after the fact, I think your alright, not b/c who you are probably voting for, but your willingness to be open and ask. We are all Ignorant, this is true of all, but understanding is not good enough, and knowing the same, it's the process of putting these two into action that creates Wisdom in a person...You're A OK in My Book!!!


Well-Known Member
Whatever man that's why I hate politics. Everyone who has a view is wrong by someone elses standard. And I am probably going to vote for Obama anyways puff, All i'm saying is it's all smoke and mirrors man. Whoever wins we'll see their true face in a year or two. Until then we can just hope for the best

Now, on THAT we definately agree. :mrgreen:

I'm takin a bong hit to that one.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
just read her thesis, i put the link in the above post. It's how she seperates herself from the "Whites" in her school. A couple quotes in there make me a little uneasy.
There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost.' ......Michelle Obama
Understood, however I'm assuming this was back in the day, but in anytime from this quote, she is basically saying that Black people should take responsiblity for themselves and community and shouldn't depend on outside sources to help better ouselves when we have the power to better ourselves now.....Black Power.


Well-Known Member
Also he's not even black... He's muslim. Ya know, like the countries we've been at war with for the last eight years.
Please gather some accurate information before you open your mouth. You couldn't be more wrong. He's half black and half white. He's not AT ALL Muslim, he's Christian. My God... some people I tell ya.


Well-Known Member
Please gather some accurate information before you open your mouth. You couldn't be more wrong. He's half black and half white. He's not AT ALL Muslim, he's Christian. My God... some people I tell ya.
He's half white, 7/16ths Arab and 1/16th African, or it might be 3/8ths Arab and 1/8th African.

He's a White Arab American with traces of African Blood, but I don't even see why that's an issue.

It's his ideology that I disagree with, and his statements about the Constitution.


Well-Known Member
He's half white, 7/16ths Arab and 1/16th African, or it might be 3/8ths Arab and 1/8th African.

He's a White Arab American with traces of African Blood, but I don't even see why that's an issue.

It's his ideology that I disagree with, and his statements about the Constitution.
His mother was white and his father was black... and its not an issue to people who aren't racist. Another thing, even if he IS Muslim (which he isn't), so what?? This is America. Freedom of religion. Being Muslim doesn't make you a terrorist.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Snickers at Stoney.:eyesmoke:
But air has to be conserved in order to keep the psi of the head up.
more like duh, duh, duhhh
EXACTLY.I've seen a lot of Christians doing a lot of terrorizing lately.Point is, all religions have them.
His mother was white and his father was black... and its not an issue to people who aren't racist. Another thing, even if he IS Muslim (which he isn't), so what?? This is America. Freedom of religion. Being Muslim doesn't make you a terrorist.


Well-Known Member
He's half white, 7/16ths Arab and 1/16th African, or it might be 3/8ths Arab and 1/8th African.

He's a White Arab American with traces of African Blood, but I don't even see why that's an issue.

It's his ideology that I disagree with, and his statements about the Constitution.
I would love to hear where you got your info from. I mean DNA test or what? where is your source?


Well-Known Member
The American people are gonna take it in the ass if he become president because he is allready flipping us all off and laughung about it!
The American people have been taking it in the ass with no lube for a long time now, or are you in the top 6% of the financial elite that don't realize what is happening to real people that live real lives?


Well-Known Member
The American people have been taking it in the ass with no lube for a long time now, or are you in the top 6% of the financial elite that don't realize what is happening to real people that live real lives?
We have MORE millionaires and billionaires......
I'd like to keep the option of me being rich one day.
You can be rich in this country, if you work hard enough.
This is why people come here from all over the world.
It's a personal freedom....freedom to be a bum or freedom to be rich, balls in your court. make life of what you will, that's the beauty of america.

Be real dude, if you don't make the money you should, don't you have an option to change that? like go back to school or pick up a trade, point is you have options to better yourself. No need to blame others for having what you want.You also can have your cake and eat it too.
...now go get that paper!!!:mrgreen:


New Member
We have MORE millionaires and billionaires......
I'd like to keep the option of me being rich one day.
You can be rich in this country, if you work hard enough.
This is why people come here from all over the world.
It's a personal freedom....freedom to be a bum or freedom to be rich, balls in your court. make life of what you will, that's the beauty of america.

Be real dude, if you don't make the money you should, don't you have an option to change that? like go back to school or pick up a trade, point is you have options to better yourself. No need to blame others for having what you want.You also can have your cake and eat it too.
...now go get that paper!!!:mrgreen:
joe, I have known people in my life who have worked their asses off and never had a pot to piss in...on the other hand I know people who have made tons of money just being in the right place at the right time. it's random...the odds are though, that the rich get richer and poor get fucked.......:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yep, and most of it is is being born on the right side. The amount of those who made alot of privaledged birth (cuz you SHORE ain't gonna make it startin from nothin, you can't, try it if you don't believe me) seem to think they know what it is like, when they have been born with enough money sittin in a bank making them more money than I make bustin my ass all week wipin asses and cleaning up vomit and pee. No, peas and apples, my friends.

That goes for race, too. I had it bad being born white trash, but I prolly had it worse if I had been born another race. I am resentful enough of the treatment of females in this culture, I wudda been worse if I had to deal with prejudice over race, too. I have had a little bit of it, but not nearly spoon fed it from day one like some have been. I can only empathize with them.


Well-Known Member
Good ..I wish it was a flip off..the republicans have been flipping off the world..they deserve that and more... extreme rendition to Iran for Cheney and Bush would bring a tear of joy to my eyes..and the eyes of most of the world I'd dare say..