obama has taken less vacation in his entire presidency...

I do not think i am threatened when people at recreation stores are paying 27 a gram for shwagg, no price breaks either.
Crawl out of the rock been been under, have you not been paying attention?
Why do i even ask...:roll:

27 a gram no breaks?

so you're telling me ounces in washington run $756?

i think you may be having some math issues again, goldilocks!

but it certainly isn't the first time, after all you couldn't figure out how many jews died in the holocaust!

welp, see ya later!
27 a gram no breaks?

so you're telling me ounces in washington run $756?

i think you may be having some math issues again, goldilocks!

but it certainly isn't the first time, after all you couldn't figure out how many jews died in the holocaust!

welp, see ya later!
Actually 27 a gram is the cheapest recreational pot.
Don't believe me?
look up a couple washington state recreational stores on weedmaps, i do not care which one.
Call and ask them how much per gram.
Then ask them how much for an ounce.
Then ask them what is the highest THC percentage strain they carry.
Yes your math is correct 756 per. oz for the stuff at the 27 per gram price point.
The stuff at the 33 per gram is 924 per oz.
This has been amusing to me because you prove again just how completely clueless you truly are.
Please just call a couple of those rec stores up, do not take my word for it.
Actually 27 a gram is the cheapest recreational pot.
Don't believe me?
look up a couple washington state recreational stores on weedmaps, i do not care which one.
Call and ask them how much per gram.
Then ask them how much for an ounce.
Then ask them what is the highest THC percentage strain they carry.
Yes your math is correct 756 per. oz for the stuff at the 27 per gram price point.
The stuff at the 33 per gram is 924 per oz.
This has been amusing to me because you prove again just how completely clueless you truly are.
Please just call a couple of those rec stores up, do not take my word for it.

illegal dope dealer living in a legal state - yep "the cause" might have been a former member of the Oregon University Basketball Team. the comments he makes is typical of those types of offenders
are you too dumb to realize you just insulted your fellow holocaust denier as well?

Have you been tutoring these guys in the way of "the cause"?

did you forget that the republicans in congress want it shut down while obama and holder are letting the experiment proceed?

or are you just grumpy because no one wants your overpriced mediocre crap anymore, holocaust denier?

Congress just voted to defund DEA programs targeted at medical mariuana states... Oh wait, that is helping your competition. No wonder you hate congress... LOL!
a record high stock market, highest domestic energy production we have had in decades, the deficit cut by two-thirds, a record 53 straight months of private sector jobs gained (including 200,000 a month for the lat 6 months), rebounding home values, marriage equality all over the place and legal recreational weed.

fuck, how horrible!

You forgot to mention the most people in prison by percent of population. Let freedom ring!
There are more people supported by the government than there has ever been and it is growing daily.
You can rationalize it with bullshit facts all you want. Our veterans are treated like hammered shit and the politicians, all of them are shit eating dirt bags, and you support their less than stellar works. You should be ashamed of yourself trying to justify the massive failures by the government, but you won't cause you are one of the sorry mofos that is supported by them and looking for more ways to exploit your non working, limp dick ass.

You have no business whatsoever calling anyone but yourself an IDIOT!


We can make an exception for you. If you think only Jews died, do us a favor. Shoot yourself carefully between the eyes.

Thank you for pointing out that not only did Jews die, but a large number of innocent German women and children were intentionally killed by the USA and the bombing raids. It was nearly as bad as when the USA fried hundreds of thousands of Japanese women and children with nuclear bombs that didn't need to be used.
Actually 27 a gram is the cheapest recreational pot.
Don't believe me?
look up a couple washington state recreational stores on weedmaps, i do not care which one.
Call and ask them how much per gram.
Then ask them how much for an ounce.
Then ask them what is the highest THC percentage strain they carry.
Yes your math is correct 756 per. oz for the stuff at the 27 per gram price point.
The stuff at the 33 per gram is 924 per oz.
This has been amusing to me because you prove again just how completely clueless you truly are.
Please just call a couple of those rec stores up, do not take my word for it.

We don't take your word for anything. That would be plain stupid.

Recreational marijuana went on sale legally for the first time in Washington state Tuesday, and early reports indicate it’s not cheap to be an early adopter.

The New York Times reports that a combination of tough regulations, financing troubles, meticulous inspectors, and tight land-use laws have severely slowed the rollout of recreational marijuana dispensaries. Of the 334 vendor licensees authorized for the first wave of stores, only about 20 have actually been granted.

shortage of stores meeting an avalanche of new demand adds up to high prices for the state’s first recreational pot consumers. According to the Times, an ounce is expected to sell for at least $400. Based on numbers from PriceOfWeed.com, a site that crowdsources national marijuana prices, that’s over twice as much as Washington’s black market consumers pay for an ounce of average quality pot.

Can legal marijuana compete on price with the black market? Colorado, which legalized recreational marijuana in January, is a the best case study available. There, in the early going, legal pot prices matched those of Washington’s new dispensaries. Medicine Man, a recreational marijuana shop in north Denver, started out selling marijuana for around $450 an ounce, including tax. “The first couple of months there was literally a line out the door, so we could make that profit,” says Kala Williams, the store’s receptionist and daughter of its owner.

But prices soon dropped as more retailers opened shop. At least half a dozen recreational shops operate within five miles of Medicine Man, which has lowered prices to compete. It now sells a range of marijuana strains for between $198 to $340 per ounce, plus tax. Similarly, an analysis by FiveThirtyEight in late April, about four months after recreational marijuana shops opened, revealed the median sticker price for an ounce of recreational weed in Denver to be $200. After adding Denver’s 7.72% sales tax (most marijuana shops are located in Denver), a 10% marijuana state tax, and an additional 3.5% Denver city tax, a $200 ounce would cost about $242 out the door. Checking store menus online, $200 seems on the low end of the price spectrum, but we had no trouble finding stores offering an ounce for about $300, including tax.
There are more people supported by the government than there has ever been and it is growing daily.
You can rationalize it with bullshit facts all you want. Our veterans are treated like hammered shit and the politicians, all of them are shit eating dirt bags, and you support their less than stellar works. You should be ashamed of yourself trying to justify the massive failures by the government, but you won't cause you are one of the sorry mofos that is supported by them and looking for more ways to exploit your non working, limp dick ass.

You have no business whatsoever calling anyone but yourself an IDIOT!



The total number of jobs in the U.S. in 2006 was 150,600,000, so government employment makes up 7.84% of all jobs.

In 2007, the U.S. population (according to the Census Bureau) was 301,621,157, so about 4% of Americans are employed by the government.

So, there is not a bigger PERCENTAGE. Vets are treated better than they have been in the history of WARFARE

If you would bother to check facts, the fact is. the popular wisdom has ALWAYS ignored the FACTS.
Here are some prices from 420 Northwest in Bellingham, WA. You cannot find those $900 oz prices. Show it yourself rather than lie about it.

And it makes him a LIAR.

Platinum Girl Scout cookies
10 g
35 1/8
65 1/4
120 1/2
210 oz
The total number of jobs in the U.S. in 2006 was 150,600,000, so government employment makes up 7.84% of all jobs.

In 2007, the U.S. population (according to the Census Bureau) was 301,621,157, so about 4% of Americans are employed by the government.

So, there is not a bigger PERCENTAGE. Vets are treated better than they have been in the history of WARFARE

It you would bother to check facts the fact is the popular wisdoms has always ignored the FACTS.

I am not talking of employees man, reread, I speak of those supported by the government which is damn near 1/3 of the population. If welfare and the likes were to stop, you would see civil collapse like no one has ever seen. No, vets are dying waiting on treatment and the suicide rate is through the roof from the lack of care and aid. If that is better than it ever was, then it is still a failure, no matter how you try and justify it.
The government is an epic failure, any way you slice it.

Please take that rhetoric elsewhere, cause that dog don't hunt.

