Obama is going to solve the unemployment problem

he had about negative $50,000 in operating expenses too. but he refuses to say how.

I never discussed my operating expenses. Maybe that is one reason you are so confused. All the numbers I gave you were profit. You know, gross income - operating expenses. Maybe you dont know. It is a basic accounting formula.
it's always "the president" that affects oil prices with you idiots. In a country without nationalized oil

it's never new technology like zipper fracing or DWC rigs with hydraulic rams, or new/improved centrifuges, or an increase in workers to desolate oil fields, or more county permits issued for drilling, or new refineries built, etc. No, it can't possibly have anything to do with the industry itself. It's just the PR puppet mascot of America who sits in a big white house in washington DC..
it's always "the president" that affects oil prices with you idiots. In a country without nationalized oil

it's never new technology like zipper fracing or DWC rigs with hydraulic rams, or new/improved centrifuges, or an increase in workers to desolate oil fields, or more county permits issued for drilling, or new refineries built, etc. No, it can't possibly have anything to do with the industry itself. It's just the PR puppet mascot of America who sits in a big white house in washington DC..
It will be the President who affects oil prices if he repeals a law allowing crude to be exported

Isnt that your wet dream?
and you're saying he currently has an effect on the price of oil

once again, I never EVER expressed my opinion on exporting oil

i never said i support the XL pipeline

but i wouldn't be surprised to see you (once again) fake-quote something I never said
You know it's already exported as refined products, just not crude.

And not if the lefties keep shitting themselves about fracking and "poisonous to Gaia" drilling.

The Eagle Ford Shale fracking op has created a boom in parts of south Texas. I mean a big boom with offshoots of production everywhere. Years after the drilling started they're still looking for help. http://jobs.eaglefordshale.com/ Check out how big this is for Texas. http://eaglefordshale.com/

Obama is killing the oil biz and especially the coal mining community of Kentucky. He's a fuckin' idiot. Someone needs to put a cap in that guy but who in the hell would want goofy Joe Biden as Prez? They're all a bunch of loonies.

Can't believe any one would be against a pipeline....only the retards.
The Eagle Ford Shale fracking op has created a boom in parts of south Texas. I mean a big boom with offshoots of production everywhere. Years after the drilling started they're still looking for help. http://jobs.eaglefordshale.com/

Obama is killing the oil biz and especially the coal mining community of Kentucky. He's a fuckin' idiot. Someone needs to put a cap in that guy but who in the hell would want goofy Joe Biden as Prez? They're all a bunch of loonies.
If Obama is killing the oil business then why is it Booming?
If Obama is killing the oil business then why is it Booming?

Because of free enterprise, which in theory and practice he doesn't support. Unless your definition of free enterprise is taking my taxpayer money and giving it to failing ops like Solyndra and all the other boondoggles he's pissed off our money on.

How many drilling oil rigs do you think he owns?

You probably think the stock market run is because of Obama's policies too.

Obama is a socialist and green weenie pig.
Because of free enterprise, which in theory and practice he doesn't support. Unless your definition of free enterprise is taking my taxpayer money and giving it to failing ops like Solyndra and all the other boondoggles he's pissed off our money on.

How many drilling oil rigs do you think he owns?

You probably think the stock market run is because of Obama's policies too.

Obama is a socialist and green weenie pig.
You blame Obama when the gas prices are high, but dont give him credit when they are down
You blame Obama when the stock market is down But dont give him credit when they are up
You blame Obama when Unemployment is high, but dont give him credit when Unemployment is down

And Solyndra was greenlighted by the Bush administration and got approved during Obamas
How much taxpayer money was lost on Solyndra? And what percentage of loans does the DOE give out does that represent?
Why doesn't Obama give American's a common goal that provides American's with relief?
Something that is great and citizens would want to feel united about achieving this goal.
Improve the infrastructure. I would like to see jobs be given to those in need of work.
Jobs where people are out there working together to better the nation as a whole.
Why not give people the opportunity to have job training for alternative energy?
Allow people who might not otherwise get the opportunity to work jobs constructing
solar panels and other sources of energy. America used to be great, hoover dam for example.
What is the Hoover Dam of this generation? What is it that we are all working towards together?
This should all be provided.
well, I've drilled many wells here in the bakken

it's up to you to do something for yourself and/or your country. go plant a garden if you don't have the means to relocate. don't ask your government for it
Oil surplus due to increasing production. Within a decade we will outproduce the Sauds.

More like Russia will. Or are you a ruskie
I never discussed my operating expenses. Maybe that is one reason you are so confused. All the numbers I gave you were profit. You know, gross income - operating expenses. Maybe you dont know. It is a basic accounting formula.

you said you made $100k over four years of work scrubbing shit from pools and then $50k selling the shit scrubbing biz for a total profit of $200k.

that leaves an unexplained $50k in profit.

how did you do it then?
Because of free enterprise, which in theory and practice he doesn't support. Unless your definition of free enterprise is taking my taxpayer money and giving it to failing ops like Solyndra and all the other boondoggles he's pissed off our money on.

obama's DOE invested in lots of companies and had a better rate of success than romney did with bain capital.

obama is a better capitalist than you are. a better american, too.

obama has a bigger penis than you, and if he wanted a toyota tundra with a big glovebox, he could have a bigger and better one than you.