Obama is the anti-Christ!!!

Is Obama the anti-Christ?

  • For sure!

    Votes: 12 27.9%
  • Hell no!

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • DontDoDrugs is maybe smoking something other than bud!!

    Votes: 14 32.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Go head! ask him about his best friend Tron!

If his myspace isn't private I'm his #2 friend :)


I even left him a comment for you!

You're seriously too much!

My best friend, my whole life, is a catholic monk. And I'm going to plagurize him!

We're both going to laugh at how stupid this is, you know that right?
I'm still laughing at 'Luthersphere'. What's that? A a 16th century media buzz phrase? LOL. and it's plagiarize not plagurize.

I even left him a comment for you!

Rofl, you're to much!

My best friend, my whole life, is a catholic monk. And I'm going to plagurize him!

We're both going to laugh at how stupid this is, you know that right?
Uh huh.Fact remains, you were going to take credit for it, and say nothing, because you didn't even edit until we called you on it.
I even left him a comment for you!

You're seriously too much!

My best friend, my whole life, is a catholic monk. And I'm going to plagurize him!

We're both going to laugh at how stupid this is, you know that right?
Uh huh.Fact remains, you were going to take credit for it, and say nothing, because you didn't even edit until we called you on it.

umm... you called me out in under a few minutes. i was shitting..... i had hit the reply button, got distracted. went and pooed, came back to your shitstorm of accusations and fixed my post. i dont know why you would think i would post a msg with a carry on beginning and not explain it.

really just give it up, why are you even arguing this?
the man himself will tell you he knows me better than to ever need to claim his words as my own. if you msged him like you said, he will tell you the same. and i knnow you saw the comment on his page i left. this shit is a joke to me, and will be to him too.

did you see the praise i gave him in the post i quoted from page 4?

Learn how to spell plagiarize, Tronica.Firefox has spell check, got firefox?No, we called you on it, you edited your post to say, claim what you want, then came back with it being a friend's words.After you edited your post when we harrassed you on it.Then you tried to say his myspace was private, which was untrue.Obviously, you didn't want anyone to see for a reason.You were going to try to claim it as your own.Shitting, got distracted, these excuses came AFTER you tried to change the subject and get us to respond to what you had posted.DOesn't matter, though, I just think it's best to be real.Whatever.
umm... you called me out in under a few minutes. i was shitting..... i had hit the reply button, got distracted. went and pooed, came back to your shitstorm of accusations and fixed my post. i dont know why you would think i would post a msg with a carry on beginning and not explain it.

really just give it up, why are you even arguing this?
the man himself will tell you he knows me better than to ever need to plagurize him

did you see the praise i gave him in the post i quoted from page 4?

actually i had no idea his myspace was public

how would i? i only view it while on my own mysapce and i assumed it was

and no i dont use firefox. i dont need a crutch to spellcheck, honestly thats not a word i have ever had to use so i misspelled it. is this what you've been reduced to? insulting my spelling and choice of internet browser?

i prove you wrong after this foolish statement - "monks dont drink beer!!" - lol
and then again "it doesn't exist on myspace!" - and i show it to you
and some more here "thats the whole blog!!!" - i post the rest.

but yet you persist anyways, you say you messaged him, so wait for him to tell you better.

i think you're still clutching now because you run 1100 post per month here and you care way to much about your image?

for shits and giggles

heres a monk drinking beers
and a monk discussing religion while drinking beers


i got class in a few hours, so im gonna catch a nap

but before i leave, im wanna be totally immature first and let you know, stoney, that you've been body slammed here.

proven wrong time and time again while dodging the entire argument brought forward

all you had to say was "lol plAGURIZEd! monks dont drink beer!

1100 post a month and still not winning. too bad

thanks for the rep to whoever gave it to me. and yes i know its the internet, i sometimes make the mistake of getting sucked in when all i see is atheist opinions and noone having J's back. most of the time, i ignore it, but unfortunately, not this time.
if god exists then who created god?the story about mary being a virgin is false considering jesus had atleast 4 brothers and 2 sisters,but the catholic faith chooses to ignore this,
also christianity was not started by jesus,because he just like his family were jews!christianity was started by mary magdalene,and she also was the only person who apparently saw
jesus after his death,so noone really knows if he came back from death.....is there a afterlife?probably..is there a god and devil?probably not!you dont have to believe in god to be a good person,and believing in god doesnt automatically make you a good person!so whether you believe or not shoudnt really matter.
if god exists then who created god?the story about mary being a virgin is false considering jesus had atleast 4 brothers and 2 sisters,but the catholic faith chooses to ignore this,
also christianity was not started by jesus,because he just like his family were jews!christianity was started by mary magdalene,and she also was the only person who apparently saw
jesus after his death,so noone really knows if he came back from death.....is there a afterlife?probably..is there a god and devil?probably not!you dont have to believe in god to be a good person,and believing in god doesnt automatically make you a good person!so whether you believe or not shoudnt really matter.

believe this.

i don't clutch to catholicism as a reason to judge others.

i use it as a reason to better myself.

religion is a great moral base for some, me included. i try and be like Jesus, because jesus was the man, Jesus had it right, he was perfect. And he was sent here by God to help us out. Jesus, by being our role model, gave us the power to save ourselves. we now have an example to live by, and we can choose to, or not to. i dont think individual religion has much to do with it. Jesus is inside of everyone whether they know who he is or not. because Jesus isn't catholicism or buddhism, Jesus is the "right thing" no matter where you come from or what you call him.
Everyone is failing to notice that the myspace rip blog of your supposed wannabe monk "friend",lmfao,is dated after the genuine original poster posted it on the real catholic forum.
The internets dating system doesn't lie only you do.

The guy emailed me back and has categorically stated that he is not your friend and does not know you and has no myspace blog.
He does not drink or smoke and states that he is going to seek legal advice for deformation of character and for associating him with illegal substances.
The real catholic guy is damn furious and i am glad that i used my fake email address to ask him.
so you post HELLA pics of someone without their permission so you can prove you are god and now you want me to fix it for you?
i like how you blur your face to protect yourself but it's "down with the ship" for your monk friend. very nice. :clap:
if there was such a thing as the anti christ he would be it. i fail to see what is so great about him? people flock to him like he's the friggin messiah sent to save us and i don't get it. to me he's a smug self satisfied arogant asshole who is only going to make things worse. that enough of an opinion for ya?
Even if this monk is a friend of yours, he is going to be pissed you are putting his blogs up here and his FACE! What a good friend you must be, huh?
Oh, I was logged on this morning when you posted your monk friends blog and tried to portray it as yours...I read the whole thing and then I thought to myself 'tronica did not write this....' You did not edit it in a timely manner as you say. You edited because you got called out!!
Uhhh..so you post pics of him, with clickable links to his myspace?He's a military man.You just potentially ruined his career.Nice.Good friend you are.I'll go ahead and remove his pic from your quote.
actually i had no idea his myspace was public

how would i? i only view it while on my own mysapce and i assumed it was

and no i dont use firefox. i dont need a crutch to spellcheck, honestly thats not a word i have ever had to use so i misspelled it. is this what you've been reduced to? insulting my spelling and choice of internet browser?

i prove you wrong after this foolish statement - "monks dont drink beer!!" - lol
and then again "it doesn't exist on myspace!" - and i show it to you
and some more here "thats the whole blog!!!" - i post the rest.

but yet you persist anyways, you say you messaged him, so wait for him to tell you better.

i think you're still clutching now because you run 1100 post per month here and you care way to much about your image?

for shits and giggles

heres a monk drinking beers
and a monk discussing religion while drinking beers

Nah, I didn't get body slammed.....Cuz...your friend's is copy and pasted as well,the font is different from any other post.He hasn't messaged me back, but I DO see that the resourceful natmoon has proven the true source.Simple fact is, that argument wasn't YOUR argument, your argument has been all over the place,nonsensically organized, badly spelled, and then you have the nerve to be condescending,like you're some great intellect.I've won,like that matters.I won a long time ago, when you opened your big dumb mouth.
i got class in a few hours, so im gonna catch a nap

but before i leave, im wanna be totally immature first and let you know, stoney, that you've been body slammed here.

proven wrong time and time again while dodging the entire argument brought forward

all you had to say was "lol plAGURIZEd! monks dont drink beer!

1100 post a month and still not winning. too bad

thanks for the rep to whoever gave it to me. and yes i know its the internet, i sometimes make the mistake of getting sucked in when all i see is atheist opinions and noone having J's back. most of the time, i ignore it, but unfortunately, not this time.

so you post HELLA pics of someone without their permission so you can prove you are god and now you want me to fix it for you?
i like how you blur your face to protect yourself but it's "down with the ship" for your monk friend. very nice. :clap:
Uhhh..so you post pics of him, with clickable links to his myspace?He's a military man.You just potentially ruined his career.Nice.Good friend you are.I'll go ahead and remove his pic from your quote.

Nah, I didn't get body slammed.....Cuz...your friend's is copy and pasted as well,the font is different from any other post.He hasn't messaged me back, but I DO see that the resourceful natmoon has proven the true source.Simple fact is, that argument wasn't YOUR argument, your argument has been all over the place,nonsensically organized, badly spelled, and then you have the nerve to be condescending,like you're some great intellect.I've won,like that matters.I won a long time ago, when you opened your big dumb mouth.


badly spelled? 1 word? LOL
and from the guy who told me he uses a spell checker . :clap:

and what the fuck are you talking about Military Man?

you are fucking ridiculous

he is a monk... how is he in the military?
thats right, he is in kosovo and in Lacey WA at the same time. this man is so incredible that he fights for our country while praying for us all in his monastery half way around the globe, at the same time!

and how is this RUINING anything for him?

i put pics of him up so you can identify the person who wrote the blog

my face is covered because i have a fukcing journal here about growing weed, legal as it may be i still dont need my face associated with my grow.

do you think this will affect him at all?
tell me how please. i really want to know what you think is gonna happen to the monk who wrote a thesis on evolution and god and had it posted on this forum by a friend. do you think hes like "OMG SOME OTHER PEOPLE ARE READING MY BLOG, AND THEY KNOW I WROTE IT"

get over yourselfs

and fdd, i never asked you for any help on anything, i asked you to remove the clickable links because these guys are the kind of people that would persist on harassing him.

someone already has asked him to confirm what i said, i figured that was enough, you could do the proper thing and help protect his privacy. i never meant to post a clickable link to his rofile. not that it really matters as far it goes. but what he does not need is a bunch of angry aethiest messaging him on myspace about his blog

if thats to much for you to ask then im glad that youre a mod here....:clap:

Even if this monk is a friend of yours, he is going to be pissed you are putting his blogs up here and his FACE! What a good friend you must be, huh?
Oh, I was logged on this morning when you posted your monk friends blog and tried to portray it as yours...I read the whole thing and then I thought to myself 'tronica did not write this....' You did not edit it in a timely manner as you say. You edited because you got called out!!

Go look at the time stamps and find another band wagon to jump on, the aetheist club has plenty of support here without another delusional twit clucking about his friends trying to support a lost cause.
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