Obama is the man

how is it that dave, milf and knowm keep logging no and off at the exact same times today? are you all sitting in the same room smoking out and having a good time on riu? lol :)
how is it that dave, milf and knowm keep logging no and off at the exact same times today? are you all sitting in the same room smoking out and having a good time on riu? lol :)

excuse me.. FDD..

umm.. this forum is for fuck offs, fuck alls. and fuck ups..

please don't soil your shoes by coming into this forum...

you know though the republicans were saying that its sad that obama had to think about it. as opposed to already knowing your policies before you run for president and one of the most important jobs in the world,

an sure the foreign entanglements are not what we want but back then it was possible to just stay at home and chill and not worry about your niebors cuz all they had was some deadly fireworks and swords.

Hitlers chilren would be in charge of the USA by now if we stayed home for WWII and let hitler get the bomb

i dont think anyone wants to get "entangled" in anything its not somthing people strive for
Oh my goodness, GK. :lol: Alright, I had this WHOLE thing typed out in response to you and I fucked up and lost it. I think we shall go around and around as long as it's amusing (for me, at least). But I am not wrong about you, no siree. You've proven my points again in this very thread, too.

You talk to me about ego, but where is yours? Can you let yours down? Can you let it go? Can you pursue a different course besides simply reacting to what people say? Are you capable? You accuse me of hatred, yet I know I can challenge you to find anything posted by me that even approaches what I've seen you say to others because I don't do it. Your posts are the display of an ego that must step upon others to push itself up.

This belies your true weakness.

I own my mistakes, my foibles, and my weaknesses. They are mine. We've actually had some short exchanges about them, although you got into this whole "strong exercise" thing and that isn't where the fish sleeps.
How about you, GK? Can you own yours? Can you own up to the fact that a person who is given power over others has a responsibility to those very same people to not use that power abusively? And, if you can do that, can you admit, whether to yourself or publicly, that you have abused that power when you speak in such a manner to people? Can you?

You think you know exactly whom and what you're dealing with when you're considering me. That puts you in a position of ignorance, a lesson that's been learned many, many times, I know this as well as you do. Tread lightly, watch, listen, learn, see--THEN you'll begin to have an idea, though nothing approaching true knowledge.

I make it easy, as I hide very little. Though, here, certain things by necessity, given the nature of the beast and all are hidden. But you, as a moderator, seeing much more than most here know you can see, bring about my own question, Do you know what you're seeing when you see it?
My honesty is sometimes brutal, even for myself, though I endeavor NOT to cause pain or hurt a person. We fail, I fail, but I do my best and as best I know how.

So, you can insist I'm a liar, and that won't hurt me, it won't assault my ego, it won't ruffle my feathers or put my panties in a bunch. You are, quite simply, mistaken. And you don't know whom you're addressing when you addressing me. If you assume you do you're weakening in thinking that you have knowledge you don't.

Let me know when you're ready to go back to talking about Obama. :D
Oh my goodness, GK. :lol: Alright, I had this WHOLE thing typed out in response to you and I fucked up and lost it. I think we shall go around and around as long as it's amusing (for me, at least). But I am not wrong about you, no siree. You've proven my points again in this very thread, too.

You talk to me about ego, but where is yours? Can you let yours down? Can you let it go? Can you pursue a different course besides simply reacting to what people say? Are you capable? You accuse me of hatred, yet I know I can challenge you to find anything posted by me that even approaches what I've seen you say to others because I don't do it. Your posts are the display of an ego that must step upon others to push itself up.

This belies your true weakness.

I own my mistakes, my foibles, and my weaknesses. They are mine. We've actually had some short exchanges about them, although you got into this whole "strong exercise" thing and that isn't where the fish sleeps.
How about you, GK? Can you own yours? Can you own up to the fact that a person who is given power over others has a responsibility to those very same people to not use that power abusively? And, if you can do that, can you admit, whether to yourself or publicly, that you have abused that power when you speak in such a manner to people? Can you?

You think you know exactly whom and what you're dealing with when you're considering me. That puts you in a position of ignorance, a lesson that's been learned many, many times, I know this as well as you do. Tread lightly, watch, listen, learn, see--THEN you'll begin to have an idea, though nothing approaching true knowledge.

I make it easy, as I hide very little. Though, here, certain things by necessity, given the nature of the beast and all are hidden. But you, as a moderator, seeing much more than most here know you can see, bring about my own question, Do you know what you're seeing when you see it?
My honesty is sometimes brutal, even for myself, though I endeavor NOT to cause pain or hurt a person. We fail, I fail, but I do my best and as best I know how.

So, you can insist I'm a liar, and that won't hurt me, it won't assault my ego, it won't ruffle my feathers or put my panties in a bunch. You are, quite simply, mistaken. And you don't know whom you're addressing when you addressing me. If you assume you do you're weakening in thinking that you have knowledge you don't.

Let me know when you're ready to go back to talking about Obama. :D

sorry you lost your first response...

yes, i can see how you think I abuse my powers... that's cause you think that I should play by the rules..

I swear... and I insult people on occasion.. those are the rules you are talking about.. right?

All men aren't created equal... and I abuse the rules... cause I can..

Feel better ?

I don't know whom I am undressing... LOL

what kind of fooking statementis that? You mean I don;t know that you have a pace maker? I don;t know taht you are dyigof cancer.. I don;t know you are really bill gates? whatthe fooka re you talking about

oF course I don't KNOW who I am addressing.. I am merley addresing some writing on the internet.. that I "believe is writtenh by a fellow man..


BTW - nice post...
sorry you lost your first response...

yes, i can see how you think I abuse my powers... that's cause you think that I should play by the rules..

I swear... and I insult people on occasion.. those are the rules you are talking about.. right?

All men aren't created equal... and I abuse the rules... cause I can..

Feel better ?

I don't know whom I am undressing... LOL

what kind of fooking statementis that? You mean I don;t know that you have a pace maker? I don;t know taht you are dyigof cancer.. I don;t know you are really bill gates? whatthe fooka re you talking about

oF course I don't KNOW who I am addressing.. I am merley addresing some writing on the internet.. that I "believe is writtenh by a fellow man..


BTW - nice post...

Beautiful stuff.....I couldn't of said it better, about you, if I tried....I love you too, Noman.:blsmoke: