Obama just made fun of you, yes you!


Well-Known Member
Skip to 2:30 in this video. I could not find a video of just the one clip at 2:30.

He belittles people online and marijuana users at the same time :)


I'm not pro Republican or Democrat, but I am pro having more than only "2" leaders that can actually be picked for president.
i didnt get what you got from thats segment......hes making fun of us how??... he himself is a smoker....
i didnt get what you got from thats segment......hes making fun of us how??... he himself is a smoker....
because he laughs at it as being a serious issue?

Obama supporters conveniently ignore this....he laughed at us...he laughed at the mothers who had their children's life ruined or are sitting in prison...he laughed at them...this is not a joke.
Obama is similar to Newt Gingrich in that it was okay for HIM to consume cannabis....now? He wants to keep putting people in jail for it.

Anybody that consumes and STILL votes for this douchebag is in need of a good proctologist.
I don't understand where liberals get the idea that their party is pro marijuana....

Obama is some kind of closet republican that even makes Clinton face-palm. Obama says one thing and does another in hopes they're too stupid to figure it out, the irony is the majority are. The guy could kill thousands, raise taxes, and expand our government budget 100% and its ok but Republicans say "no new taxes" and they're labeled wing bats.
Obama is some kind of closet republican that even makes Clinton face-palm. Obama says one thing and does another in hopes they're too stupid to figure it out, the irony is the majority are. The guy could kill thousands, raise taxes, and expand our government budget 100% and its ok but Republicans say "no new taxes" and they're labeled wing bats.

I have this crazy idea...maybe the republicans and democrats are there to give the illusion of choice?

I have this crazy idea...maybe the republicans and democrats are there to give the illusion of choice?


Carlin is wrong, they do not want obedient workers and they do not have us by the balls, they have us by our minds and they want obedient consumers.
my trio wants more legalization than your trio.

your guys just shout "states' rights" whereas my trio wants legalization.

Why is it everytime I think of "states rights" I always think about discrimination?
Cough George Wallace cough Civil war Cough Civil rights act