Referring to your points about packaging weed and making personal cultivation illegal. That plan was almost implemented in the early 70's. It never came to pass, but I do know from personal knowledge that Big Tobacco already had lines all set up to run the product if approved. It never was to be however.
Now, with prices and profit so large and increased both for law enforcement and the weed producers, it will never be brought in through the front door. Not until the money is drained away from it.
Since the growers are unwilling to give up weed production instead of just getting a real job, it will never change. The Govt. has no interest in lowering the price of weed, and only the producers can do so. Greed is everywhere, even in weed.
Get a job, give what you grow away and watch things change then. Never gonna happen, because big weed growers are no different from Big Oil. Only in volume and product are they different, not in spirit.