obama: most admired man in america hillary clinton: most admired woman in america

Exactly what is it that obama or hillary has done to be admired? Aside from being the first non-white president in us history, i fail to see any accomplishments of obama. When looking at hillary, it is hard for me to tell if she has on her public persona or her real persona?..as revealed by the email leaks-we know they both exist.
Exactly what is it that obama or hillary has done to be admired? Aside from being the first non-white president in us history, i fail to see any accomplishments of obama. When looking at hillary, it is hard for me to tell if she has on her public persona or her real persona?..as revealed by the email leaks-we know they both exist.
Or better yet KAP as man of the year lmfao
Exactly what is it that obama or hillary has done to be admired? Aside from being the first non-white president in us history, i fail to see any accomplishments of obama. When looking at hillary, it is hard for me to tell if she has on her public persona or her real persona?..as revealed by the email leaks-we know they both exist.

let's see.

first black president of harvard law review, senator from illinois, two landslide presidential victories, lily ledbetter fair pay act, american recover and reinvestment act (biggest tax cut for the american people in history), obamacare, wall street reform via dodd-frank, legalized gay marriage, cut the deficit by a trillion dollars (biggest savings in history), created 20+ million new jobs with a record number of consecutive months of job growth, tripled the stock market, 8 years of scandal free presidency with no indictments or convictions and no sexual harassment accusations, left office with a 65% approval rating.

gee, you might just be a dumb racist, or very forgetful.
let's see.

first black president of harvard law review, senator from illinois, two landslide presidential victories, lily ledbetter fair pay act, american recover and reinvestment act (biggest tax cut for the american people in history), obamacare, wall street reform via dodd-frank, legalized gay marriage, 8 years of scandal free presidency with a 65% approval rating as he left...

gee, you might just be a dumb racist, or very forgetful.

And obamma is besties with the royals whereas the orange dumpster cant even meet the queen.

Hchumpy is throwing a tantrum and threatening brittain not to let him attend the party. If chumpster cant go, nobody can. So there.
let's see.

first black president of harvard law review, senator from illinois, two landslide presidential victories, lily ledbetter fair pay act, american recover and reinvestment act (biggest tax cut for the american people in history), obamacare, wall street reform via dodd-frank, legalized gay marriage, cut the deficit by a trillion dollars (biggest savings in history), created 20+ million new jobs with a record number of consecutive months of job growth, tripled the stock market, 8 years of scandal free presidency with no indictments or convictions and no sexual harassment accusations, left office with a 65% approval rating.

gee, you might just be a dumb racist, or very forgetful.
All i read there is a bunch of nothing that had zero positive impact..i mean..first president in history to never have a quarter with 3 percent gdp. There were plenty of scandals...one of them is still being uncovered and could quite possibly be the biggest ever. I guess even the ones reported on like “fast and the furious” dont count in obama supporter eyes. The man only tried to take us further in the direction of socialism. I guess completely destabilizing places like libya dont mean much either or creating and arming isis doesnt matter either eh? As long as we get our phones hahaha
Did i mention that the first bi racial president..the “uniter”...actually only served to further divide the races? And damn..black folks thought he wld be thier savior and all he did was give em a free phone.
All i read there is a bunch of nothing that had zero positive impact..i mean..first president in history to never have a quarter with 3 percent gdp. There were plenty of scandals...one of them is still being uncovered and could quite possibly be the biggest ever. I guess even the ones reported on like “fast and the furious” dont count in obama supporter eyes. The man only tried to take us further in the direction of socialism. I guess completely destabilizing places like libya dont mean much either or creating and arming isis doesnt matter either eh? As long as we get our phones hahaha
Regan started the lifeline program for low income people. It is a 25 dollar credit that was for landlines. As cell phones came out the credit could be used for cell phones. The first free cell phones actually came out in TN before Obama took office.
All i read there is a bunch of nothing that had zero positive impact..

20 million+ new jobs and 30 million more insured people says otherwise, shit for brains.

i mean..first president in history to never have a quarter with 3 percent gdp.

how fucking brainwashed and stupid are you?

next thing you know, you'll be claiming obama created ISIS or some other retarded trump/infowars nonsense.

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creating and arming isis doesnt matter either eh?

well there ya go.

you are a shit stupid dumbfuck racist.
Did i mention that the first bi racial president..the “uniter”...actually only served to further divide the races? And damn..black folks thought he wld be thier savior and all he did was give em a free phone.

reagan created the lifeline program and bush extended the program to include cell phones.

the only people who are mad about it are racist losers who blame all their failures in life on black people.

now go spend your disability check on some more opioids ya little brainwashed bitch.
All i read there is a bunch of nothing that had zero positive impact..i mean..first president in history to never have a quarter with 3 percent gdp. There were plenty of scandals...one of them is still being uncovered and could quite possibly be the biggest ever. I guess even the ones reported on like “fast and the furious” dont count in obama supporter eyes. The man only tried to take us further in the direction of socialism. I guess completely destabilizing places like libya dont mean much either or creating and arming isis doesnt matter either eh? As long as we get our phones hahaha
Did i mention that the first bi racial president..the “uniter”...actually only served to further divide the races? And damn..black folks thought he wld be thier savior and all he did was give em a free phone.
Amazingly predictable piece of uneducated, witless, racist Struggleville garbage. Seriously shitbag, have you earned a GED or are all your musings from klan cookouts and such?