The thing about abortion is, you can't force your morality upon another.I'm going to assume you have a religious or spiritual objection to abortion,please correct me if I'm wrong.But, you see, not everyone believes the same way spiritually you do, so to say noone should be able to do it because you think it's wrong is basically forcing your religious or spiritual beliefs on someone else
I can give you an answer quite bluntly, I don't agree with murder. Call that religion, or just being a decent human being..
It has something to do with EVERYONE's right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness".. That's not just a moral standard, but it's part what our country was founded on.
I think even un-born babies are humans, people, with rights. And these horrible partial birth abortions are even more disgusting.
Can not anyone see a dim future when euthenasia is a common practice of birth control. What a weak, lazy, fucked up society we have become!
And Im not saying that's just anyone who has an abortion is using it as birth control. But I think there should be some kind of competency test, and validation of a serious medical situation, such as a life threatening surety.. I think that should be an asbolute requirement before we allow another baby to get killed, simply as a "choice"..
Fuck choice. I can't legally choose to kill you.