Obama paid $400 million ransom for hostages and then covered it up.

For the last time Tangerine I'm not voting for Trump I don't know where you have this in your head that I'm a trump supporter cuz I'm not I laugh at him everyday but I'm also not supporting or voting for Hillary because she's the biggest liar and con artist I've ever seen well next to may be Bucky I don't know he's right there with her

People who aren't interested in politics don't keep coming back here to spin doctor their point of view like you have been doing. And always pro-right content.

Or do you just like to argue?

Or did UB get you totally unhinged?
People who aren't interested in politics don't keep coming back here to spin doctor their point of view like you have been doing. And always pro-right content.

Or do you just like to argue?

Or did UB get you totally unhinged?
I don't know who you be is frankly I don't care I haven't argued the point 4 Trump against Hillary so I don't know what your point really is
Thought the post was about Obama paying off Iran for some hostages anyhow isn't that what this post was about and you know you he did because when he had his stupid little press conference he gets all nervous and that's when he makes that funny little smile that he does and turns his head to the side ,scratches his face you can always tell when Obama is lying it's kind of a science reading people's facial gestures he smiles he looks down he looks away I think he looks away to the right no actually it's the left I believe then he's kind of scratches the side of his face whenever he's about to tell a lie. If you watch enough Obama clips of interviews that he does you can always tell he does the same thing every time he's going to lie anyhow enough of that
Thought the post was about Obama paying off Iran for some hostages anyhow isn't that what this post was about and you know you he did because when he haf his stupid little press conference he gets all nervous and that's when he makes that funny little smile that he does and turns his head to the side ,scratches his face you can always tell when Obama is lying it's kind of a science reading people's facial gestures he smiles he looks down he looks away I think he looks away to the right no actually it's the left I believe then he's kind of scratches the side of his face whenever he's about to tell a lie. If you watch enough Obama clips of interviews that he does you can always tell he does the same thing every time he's going to lie anyhow enough of that

this thread was debunked before it even began.

you are not a bright person.

i've seen much better sock puppets.
People who aren't interested in politics don't keep coming back here to spin doctor their point of view like you have been doing. And always pro-right content.

Or do you just like to argue?

Or did UB get you totally unhinged?
And brainstorm here but I never said I wasn't interested in politics I just said I wasn't voting for Trump or Clinton you don't have to be voting for one of those fools to be interested in politics just a little FYI for you
No matter what he says about being Christian. He's actually muslim. We have family friends in the FBI on his and Michelle's security detail. They've seen obama praying on the lawn. Not a single one of them will take a bullet for obama. If someone shoots at him they will all jump out of the way. Most of the white house staff and security detail hate the Obama's
Well I don't love Obama but he is our president and if there is even the slightest truth to that that is just totally wrong and I find it very hard to believe that they will not do their job and protect our president that just seems a little far-fetched they r professionals and there's much greater implications about not protecting our president regardless of who he is or what party he's affiliated with then simply not protecting him because they don't like him Obama gets killed Biden takes his place and the country goes into a tailspin so I seriously doubt any of that is true
You wish you were me

Who would want to be cursed with the crippling stupidity that generates grunts like "Your a Hillary supporter. That's as bad supporting Hitler", That damning gob of mangled words and toxic opinion brands you an irrelevant loon. Your posts bring to mind a drooling, stinking, emotionally and intellectually broken person. No, no one here "wishes they were you" far from it.
There is no spot to hit I think you're an idiot and act like another child in a temper tantrum and as you don't know me you actually have no idea of how people view me just what you and your silly little moronic and high school like buddies want to portray someone that doesn't agree with them so this is basically if somebody doesn't agree with your viewpoint exactly they are racist which basically means bucky and his buddies don't like you then your a racist.So that's how it goes in this forum which is fine call me what you want but I know the reality of the fact is the biggest racist in the room is Bucky and his buddies....
Good day little sheep...
Angry jibberish and denial makes you look even more the fool protesting that it is others and not you you harbor racist sentiments. Your every post is "liked" and sometimes referred to by the sites well known racist members.

You wilfully ignore the persuasive arguments that detail your failed positions and try to refute them by saying others hate and are racist. Any hate youre observing and possibly experiencing is for your appalling beliefs and your vile cohorts. It is well earned.
Well I don't love Obama but he is our president and if there is even the slightest truth to that that is just totally wrong and I find it very hard to believe that they will not do their job and protect our president that just seems a little far-fetched they r professionals and there's much greater implications about not protecting our president regardless of who he is or what party he's affiliated with then simply not protecting him because they don't like him Obama gets killed Biden takes his place and the country goes into a tailspin so I seriously doubt any of that is true
Punctuation was invented to make long winded and rambling writing readable. Wouldn't help the stupidity behind the words, so maybe you are better off keeping your post unreadable.