Obama paid $400 million ransom for hostages and then covered it up.

I seriously disagree with on that and I'm going to name you the countries I have friends living in right now being Norway Sweden Switzerland France Germany Spain Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Poland Russia Ukraine Netherlands Greece Ireland Scotland Canada Japan Australia Venezuela New Zealand Zimbabwe Mexico Thailand the Philippines and Argentina I hope I haven't left any out and believe me their view of Obama and this country although they find Obama entertaining and sometimes socially delightful their view in general of our president and our country has gone down since Obama has taken office and they see him as weak and not a strong president.

And you're full of shit as per usual.

Find your Mensa card yet? lol
Thought the post was about Obama paying off Iran for some hostages anyhow isn't that what this post was about and you know you he did because when he had his stupid little press conference he gets all nervous and that's when he makes that funny little smile that he does and turns his head to the side ,scratches his face you can always tell when Obama is lying it's kind of a science reading people's facial gestures he smiles he looks down he looks away I think he looks away to the right no actually it's the left I believe then he's kind of scratches the side of his face whenever he's about to tell a lie. If you watch enough Obama clips of interviews that he does you can always tell he does the same thing every time he's going to lie anyhow enough of that

Punctuation of a Mensa member?
not sure.. my s7 doesnt. had to check, for umm science
Hehe that's android tho iPhone is crazy about capitalizing

I just got my new American phone I feel like a real American now ;)
Still have the Canadian iPhone I'm stuck on a contract so I'm gunna give it to my mom and pay the bill for her so she can have a nice new phone she has an iPhone 4 right now that I pay for but its owned and not on contract but my iPhone 6 is perfect condition so I'll do that makes more sense

I just bought the iPhone 6s 64gb in rose gold I love it

Well by me I mean my husband bought it for me I think it was more for the baby to make sure we have real phone lines cause my Canadian iPhone was too expensive to call American lines while roaming

Blah blah blah I'm a real Chatty Cathy tonight
Hehe that's android tho iPhone is crazy about capitalizing

I just got my new American phone I feel like a real American now ;)
Still have the Canadian iPhone I'm stuck on a contract so I'm gunna give it to my mom and pay the bill for her so she can have a nice new phone she has an iPhone 4 right now that I pay for but its owned and not on contract but my iPhone 6 is perfect condition so I'll do that makes more sense

I just bought the iPhone 6s 64gb in rose gold I love it

Well by me I mean my husband bought it for me I think it was more for the baby to make sure we have real phone lines cause my Canadian iPhone was too expensive to call American lines while roaming

Blah blah blah I'm a real Chatty Cathy tonight
nice.. yeah i guess thats pretty important with the baby lol. youre slowly becoming a real american. hows the new place?
nice.. yeah i guess thats pretty important with the baby lol. youre slowly becoming a real american. hows the new place?
Amazing ! 3 bedrooms two bathrooms two car garage fenced in backyard
For Thor

The town is really nice and picturesque
Overall were really really enjoying it
Lots of little restaurants and I have my own garden to play with :)
Amazing ! 3 bedrooms two bathrooms two car garage fenced in backyard
For Thor

The town is really nice and picturesque
Overall were really really enjoying it
Lots of little restaurants and I have my own garden to play with :)
very nice. probably quite a difference from what your used to.. glad youre lovin it
I learn so much here!

but I'm still not paying tuition.
very nice. probably quite a difference from what your used to.. glad youre lovin it
Yes it's nice
Sadly we may have to be transferred again my husband is gunna make rank to first class
He took the test two days after Renly was born he was supposed to take it the day he was born lol

He was number 7 of his rank /class whatever the hell it is out of the entire part of military he is

So hooray for him so proud but boo Moving again probably in a year or so
Yes it's nice
Sadly we may have to be transferred again my husband is gunna make rank to first class
He took the test two days after Renly was born he was supposed to take it the day he was born lol

He was number 7 of his rank /class whatever the hell it is out of the entire part of military he is

So hooray for him so proud but boo Moving again probably in a year or so
thats part of the life though.. youre going to be bouncing around a bit probably. at least ya get to travel lol